Tag Archives: blog6

A Viral Photo Gone Wrong

This image was talked about in class today; it has gone viral as a supposed image of Earth from the Hubble Deep Space Telescope. There are a number of reasons why this is absolutely impossible. One clear reason is the size of the atmosphere. From this distance, the atmosphere on Earth could not possibly be […] Continue reading

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The Power of a Black Hole Merger

  An article by Christopher Crockett in ScienceNews came out 5 days ago that stated the amount of power output by the merging of two black holes. This was the same event detected by the Laser Interferometer Gravitational-Wave Observatory, the first detection of observational gravitational waves. The power of merger was apparently 3.6 x 10^49 watts! […] Continue reading

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IC 1101-The Largest Galaxy

The single largest Galaxy in the Observable Universe is known as IC 1101. There are three types of galaxies: Dwarf galaxies, mid-range spiral galaxies, and gigantic elliptical galaxies. IC 1101 falls under the category known as Elliptical galaxies which is the category of the largest galaxies. IC 1101 is located 1 billion light years away, […] Continue reading

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IC 1101-The Largest Galaxy

The single largest Galaxy in the Observable Universe is known as IC 1101. There are three types of galaxies: Dwarf galaxies, mid-range spiral galaxies, and gigantic elliptical galaxies. IC 1101 falls under the category known as Elliptical galaxies which is the category of the largest galaxies. IC 1101 is located 1 billion light years away, […] Continue reading

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Blog #6 (auroras)

One of the most interesting aspects of astronomy for me is the existence of auroras. As a bit of background, there exist charged particle belts in the magnetosphere that contain high-energy particles. When solar wind gives these particles energy, they leave the magnetosphere and cause radiation in the atmosphere that produces the visual effect of the […] Continue reading

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Blog #6 The Future of Mining

Due to Earth being a terrestrial planet, much of our world’s material falls into the categories of rock and metal. An incredible motivator through humanity’s history has been our love of gold, silver, platinum and now other rare earth metals. We have been willing to blast open mountains and strip open land in the quest […] Continue reading

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The Fermi Paradox

The Fermi Paradox is a fascinating paradox that asks why, in a universe as vast as ours, we have not seen any other signs of life as of now. There are many different possible explanations and they are all very complex but I will attempt to detail some of them below: One possible explanation is […] Continue reading

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Getting really really lucky, or discovering the secret to warp travel

captain’s blog, Stardate 69668.2 This blog post is of the unrestricted variety, so naturally I will take this opportunity to talk about science fiction. One of my favorite things about sci-fi movies is how frequently (and casually) characters from Earth encounter other intelligent species. Or maybe even other species live with us humans here on Earth. […] Continue reading

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What the Heck is a Pulsar?!

Have you ever heard of something called a pulsar?  If not then you are missing out because they are one of the strangest and most fascinating objects in the universe.  A pulsar is a special kind of neutron star, that means that the star is pretty much entirely made up of only neutrons held together […] Continue reading

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What the Heck is a Pulsar?!

Have you ever heard of something called a pulsar?  If not then you are missing out because they are one of the strangest and most fascinating objects in the universe.  A pulsar is a special kind of neutron star, that means that the star is pretty much entirely made up of only neutrons held together […] Continue reading

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