Tag Archives: blog6

Dark matter

Dark matter is a hypothetical matter that neither emits nor absorbs light or any other electromagnetic radiations so that it cannot be seen with any telescopes nowadays. However, dark matter accounts for most of the matter in the universe, and it should be responsible for many phenomena occurring in the universe. According to the standard… Continue reading

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Debating about the Dwarf Planets

When I received an e-mail from my astronomy professor from last semester, David Weintraub, about an article that he had recently written for The Conversation, I was quite excited to read it. Professor Weintraub is very passionate about Pluto and quite vocal about his disapproval of its demoted status. This article, entitled “NASA missions may […] Continue reading

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Surface of Venus Revealed from Earth Telescope

As many of us know, Venus is covered in a thick atmosphere of carbon dioxide that makes it very difficult for scientist to view the surface of Venus. In the past, NASA’s Magellan spacecraft has used radar to penetrate the…

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Northern Lights

Auroras happen when charged particles from the magnetosphere travel to the Earth’s atmosphere and collide with its atoms and molecules, emitting the moving lights.But, the collisions of the charged particles do more than produce this incredible vision. Two operators of the American Telegraph Line between Boston and Maine held a conversation without battery power for two […] Continue reading

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What if Earth is the Center of Our Solar System? (Part 2)

Previously, in my BLOG 4, I talked about the possible phenomena that can happen to terrestrial planets if the Sun and the Earth exchange their places in the solar system. This time, we will push further. Out between the regular orbits of the Mars and the orbit of the Jupiter, there is an asteroid belt … Continue reading What if Earth is the Center of Our Solar System? (Part 2) Continue reading

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A Star In a Box

A solution to our energy problems? A star in a box. Taking the process of fusion that powers stars and recreate it on Earth can be the road to large quantities of energy with very little pollution and radioactive waste. One of the most efficient ways to generate energy nowadays is a fission reactor, but […] Continue reading

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The Rosetta Mission

Over spring break, I came downstairs for dinner and my dad just so happened to be watching a PBS documentary on the ESA (European Space Agency)’s recent Rosetta mission. The documentary explains the behind the scenes work that went into developing the mission, giving insight into the building of the orbiter, the unique technological features,… Continue reading The Rosetta Mission Continue reading

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Any Sufficiently Advanced Technology is Indistinguishable from Awesome: Dyson Sphere!

In honor of Freeman Dyson’s upcoming visit, I thought we could talk about Dyson Spheres. A Dyson Sphere is a structure which surround a solar system and collects all of the energy which is given off by the star.  Dyson published this idea in his 1960 paper “Search for Artificial Stellar Sources of Infared Radiation“. … Continue reading Any Sufficiently Advanced Technology is Indistinguishable from Awesome: Dyson Sphere! Continue reading

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Wait, It’s How Big?

Most people are probably aware that our solar system is REALLY BIG. They probably also know that the Sun is much larger than anything else in the solar system. However, a number on the subject might surprise people: 99.8%. That’s how much of our solar system’s total mass is located in the Sun. All the […] Continue reading

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Space Walking

As of late, I’ve become a bit obsessed with Reddit; but, the other day, I stumbled across this post, so maybe my addiction isn’t as troubling as it seems. If you click on the link, you’ll see an incredible set … Continue reading Continue reading

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