Tag Archives: blog6

Is There Anybody Out There?

We have always asked the question, “Are we alone in the Universe?” Until now we firmly do not have an answer. But there is a little dreamer kid in all of us, including scientists. Which is why when NASA announced  it would be sending a probe to deep space, they decided to include a message … Continue reading Is There Anybody Out There? Continue reading

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Potentially Habitable Planets

Over the past few decades, we have discovered a number of planets outside of our solar system.  The majority of these planets are giants, but a certain few have some Earth-like characteristics.  For these Earth-like planets there is a ranking system to determine how similar they are to Earth.  In the image above, the top […] Continue reading

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Galileo’s Moons

To me, moons are fascinating.  Many planets in our solar system have them, with the majority belonging to the gas giants in the outer solar system.  For me, the most interesting of all the moons is not Earth’s, but rather the Galilean ones, so named because Galileo Galilei was the first to discover them orbiting […] Continue reading

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Possible Proof of Extra-Terrestrial Life

A meteorite found in Sri Lanka has been reported to contain fossilized algae. If this discovery is true, it could act as proof to the existence of extra-terrestrial life. The […] Continue reading

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SpaceX’s Merlin 1D engine

SpaceX is a space transportation company founded in California by the same guy who founded Tesla Motors and Paypal etc.  They have designed a new boost engine that has the potential revolutionize space travel. It has the capability to loose two engines and still ensure safe travel and the reason it is so amazing is […] Continue reading

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We are all star stuff

Although our bodies are made mainly of oxygen, carbon, hydrogen, this composition is not consistent with our solar system. The most significant elements of our solar system are hydrogen, which is about 74% of all elements, and helium, 24%. The rest 2% of the solar system is heavier elements from the explosion of massive stars […] Continue reading

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Kepler 37b

The smallest exoplanet that has been discovered is Kepler 37b.  It is very small, being about the size of the moon, and is also believed to be terrestrial.  Scientists speculate that Kepler 37b is very much like Mercury, being hot, barren, and geologically inactive.  Also, like Mercury, it is orbits very close to its parent […] Continue reading

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Mars Suitable for Life

I know everyone is blogging about this, but how exciting is it that Mars was once suitable for life?!?  Of course, Mars will soon be on the other side of the Sun, so NASA will not be able to test … Continue reading Continue reading

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Habitable Planets

To be classified as a habitable planet, the planet in question must be found in what is known as the habitable zone. The largest requirement for this is that it must be the correct distance from the planet’s star to be able to have liquid water. The distance for the habitable zone varies based on […] Continue reading

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Nearby Star System Discovered

Above: an artist’s conception of the binary system On the same note of new discoveries, Kevin Luhman, a researcher in Penn State’s Center for Exoplanets and Habitable Worlds, just discovered a pair of stars that constitute the closest star system found in a century, and the third-closest star system we have ever discovered.  The binary […] Continue reading

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