Tag Archives: blog7

Fermi Paradox

Do you believe in aliens? With over 4,000 planets outside of our solar system and likely many many more, it seems almost crazy not to. Using the Drake Equation, astronomers estimate the probability of alien life outside of our solar system. Depending on the scientist’s opinions and research, this number can vary greatly but oftenContinue reading “Fermi Paradox” Continue reading

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What Life on Titan Would Look Like

Titan is a world that fits many criteria for a world that could host life. Because it has temperatures at about -290 degrees celsius on the surface, life would most likely be extremophile microbes below the methane surface. But an organism living entirely off of methane did not seem likely to me originally, until IContinue reading “What Life on Titan Would Look Like” Continue reading

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Conan the Bacterium, a potential Martian?

Conan the Bacterium, also known as Dionococcus Radiodurans Evolution, as far as we know, has always been pushing the limits of adaptability, allowing organisms to survive in the harshest of environments. Life that is extremely adaptable to almost all living environments are called extremophiles, hence their name. Scientists have recently hypothesized that some of Earth’sContinue reading “Conan the Bacterium, a potential Martian?” Continue reading

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The Golden Record

In 1977, a cool year for space enthusiasts and film buffs, NASA launched two spacecrafts known as Voyager 1 and Voyager 2. These crafts passed by Jupiter and Saturn, taking advantage of their alignment at that time. Voyager 2 also flew by Uranus and Neptune, and is now traveling across the vast expanse of interstellarContinue reading “The Golden Record” Continue reading

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Extremophile Viability in Space

In 2014, a group of scientists studied the viability of four different types of extremophiles in space-like conditions. These conditions that replicated an experience on Mars included extreme low temperatures, levels of UV radiation, humidity, and low pressure. The extremophiles in the experiment were Sulfolobus solfataricus from Solfatara volcano in southern Italy that can liveContinue reading “Extremophile Viability in Space” Continue reading

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The Fermi Paradox

Ever since humans have first become interested in space, the inevitable question of “does life exist outside of Earth” has loomed over us. However, as technology has progressed and humanity has trekked deep into space, the question remains unanswered. This brings about a certain paradox regarding the existence of alien life. The universe is almostContinue reading “The Fermi Paradox” Continue reading

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The Fermi Paradox

The Fermi Paradox is the paradox that while there are probably other intelligent life forms in the Milky Way, none have have made any communication with Earth. Since Earth is a younger planet of the Milky Way, if intelligent civilizations existed they would likely be much older, meaning they would have the technology to communicate […] Continue reading

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Thermus Aquaticus

Thermus Aquaticus is an extremophile that can survive extremely hot temperatures. It is a species of bacteria, whose scientific classification is Bacteria, Deinococcus-Thermus, Deinococci, Thermales, Thermaceae, Thermus, Thermus Aquaticus (Domain, Phylum, Class, Order, Family, Genus, Species). Thermus Aquaticus is a chemotroph, which means it obtains food through chemosynthesis. The species was first discovered in 1969Continue reading “Thermus Aquaticus” Continue reading

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Astronomy and Religion

NASA: The Pillars of Creation    Before taking this class I had never really had an interest in astronomy other than a short run with the original series of Star Trek.  My knowledge of astronomy, and the universe in general, was very limited because of this. Like most people I had a basic understanding of … Continue reading Astronomy and Religion Continue reading

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Astronomy and Religion

NASA: The Pillars of Creation    Before taking this class I had never really had an interest in astronomy other than a short run with the original series of Star Trek.  My knowledge of astronomy, and the universe in general, was very limited because of this. Like most people I had a basic understanding of … Continue reading Astronomy and Religion Continue reading

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