Tag Archives: blog7

Voyager Golden Record

  NASA launched the two Voyager missions in 1977. On these two missions was something different though. Voyager 1 and 2 both possessed a record and a record player as a way to contact with any potential intelligent life that the missions come across. So what exactly is on these records? The answer is a … Continue reading Voyager Golden Record Continue reading

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Voyager Golden Record

  NASA launched the two Voyager missions in 1977. On these two missions was something different though. Voyager 1 and 2 both possessed a record and a record player as a way to contact with any potential intelligent life that the missions come across. So what exactly is on these records? The answer is a … Continue reading Voyager Golden Record Continue reading

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Are Viruses the Missing Piece in Astrobiology?

Despite being the most abundant form of life on Earth, viruses and their dormant state known as virions, are often left out the conversation in identifying life outside this place. However, a group of scientists are now calling for this to change. Noting that the term virus is only used six times within NASA’s 250-paged […] Continue reading

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Where are the Aliens

The famous Fermi paradox asks a famous question: considering calculations that say we probably should have encountered extraterrestrial forms of life by now, why have we not? We wonder about the existence of intelligent life in the Universe other than our own. It is only natural, considering our own species’ discussion about possible colonization of … Continue reading Where are the Aliens Continue reading

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The Fermi Paradox

The basis of the Fermi Paradox is that the probability of another intelligent civilization existing in the universe is so high considering the number of stars and the fact that each star has on average one planet, but this means that the probability of us finding evidence for such is also so high. The Drake … Continue reading The Fermi Paradox Continue reading

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Interesting facts about Fermi Paradox

In respect to one of the most controversial question, “whether extraterrestrial lives exist in the universe,” we often assume there is high probability that such alien lives exist somewhere. Because there are 70 sextillion stars and numerous earth-like planets along with the stars in the observable universe, we often think that some intelligent forms of … Continue reading Interesting facts about Fermi Paradox Continue reading

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Interesting facts about Fermi Paradox

In respect to one of the most controversial question, “whether extraterrestrial lives exist in the universe,” we often assume there is high probability that such alien lives exist somewhere. Because there are 70 sextillion stars and numerous earth-like planets along with the stars in the observable universe, we often think that some intelligent forms of … Continue reading Interesting facts about Fermi Paradox Continue reading

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Is there life out there?

In 2016, there was a study that stated that many other planets throughout the universe have probably hosted intelligent life before earth did. The study claims that, even if you claim that the chance of an evolved civilization on a planet was one in a trillion, that means that what happened on earth would have … Continue reading Is there life out there? Continue reading

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First Contact and a Spin of the Wheel

Are we alone in the universe? This question has fascinated both scientists and philosophers alike for centuries and although we have not yet found life on other planets, sheer probability alone tells life must exist outside of Earth. If any of this life is intelligent, further questions arise. We’ve sent messages to other worlds through … Continue reading First Contact and a Spin of the Wheel Continue reading

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Blog 7: Extremophiles of Yellowstone

I will soon be embarking on a family trip to Yellowstone, my first visit to this National Park. Yellowstone is geological hotspot and is home to a plethora of thermal features, including hot springs, geysers, and the massive volcano itself. The hot waters may seem incapable of housing life, but they are home to an … Continue reading Blog 7: Extremophiles of Yellowstone Continue reading

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