Tag Archives: blog8

Blog 8

Welcome to my last blog on topics related to our Solar System! It has been fun time writing random stuff running through my head and calling it a blog. Here’s another: It’s really interesting to see the connections between worlds in science fiction and worlds in our solar system. For example, let’s compare Mustafar and […] Continue reading

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It’s a Great, Big Universe…

The thing about space is, it’s big. There’s always something new being discovered even in the solar system; ancient astronomers used to think Venus was a star, and now we’re discovering actual stars that even have their own solar systems. More exceptions are being discovered to rules that our own system led us to think […] Continue reading

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Black Holes

Black holes have always been one of the most fascinating things about our universe. I’m sure everyone remembers how the internet went insane when this photo was released. Black holes are everywhere in popular media like movies and video games. The concept that something so massive exists and nothing can ever escape from it astonishes […] Continue reading

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Would humans survive without Jupiter?

“Our solar system is a cosmic dance of planets, moving together in perfect harmony.”-Unknown At the beginning of this course I understood that the solar system had planets and other objects, such as asteroids and comets, but I believed that they all acted independently of each other, with the exception of gravity. In other words, […] Continue reading

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Blog 8 – Culmination

Throughout this class, I have learned so much about astronomy and the universe that we are just a minuscule part of. Everything from how we detect far-away planets through spectroscopy to estimating how big of a crater a meteorite may make has led me to become more curious about Astronomy. My favorite part of it […] Continue reading

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Blog Post 8 – How Tyson Saved Astronomy

Atlanta Magazine By pure coincidence, in 1958, Neil Degrasse Tyson was born into a small family in the Bronx the same exact week that NASA was founded. At the time, nobody, not even Tyson himself, had any idea the impact he would have on NASA’s field of study. At 9 years old, Tyson made his […] Continue reading

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Better Than All Social Media

About a month ago, my roommate and I decided to download this app called Spaceflight Simulator. We both really like space and thought we would give it a try. We both used to play this game called Into Space, when we were younger and while that one was fun, it did appeal to younger kids […] Continue reading

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Blog 8: Why Try?

Humanity is constantly being humbled by nature on our very own planet, not to mention the vast expanse of the cosmos. The fastest thing we have ever created, the Parker Solar Probe, was clocked at 330,000 miles per hour in 2020, as it orbited around the sun at an absolutely breakneck pace. Parker’s speed constitutes […] Continue reading

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Visualizing Exoplanet s

The subject of my blog 5 post was the TRAPPIST-1 planetary system. While learning about this system of extrasolar planets, I was fascinated by the  illustrations of exoplanets that can’t be photographed by telescopes. Tim Pyle and Robert Hurt are two artists who create renderings of exoplanets by using data about an exoplanet’s size, mass, […] Continue reading

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The End of the Universe

One of the more morbid questions that astronomers have debated over the last few decades has been the possibility of the end of the universe. With the widespread acceptance of a model of the universe that is in some way finite, there are questions about how the state of that universe could change over time. […] Continue reading

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