Tag Archives: drake

Blog 7 – Drake Equation “Haters”

Frank Drake in front of his “Drake Equation” I had a great time learning about and using the Drake Equation during our class period. However, after doing more research, I found many people who are heavily against the Drake Equation. In this blog post, I will review some of their main arguments. First, on “Y […] Continue reading

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The Drake Equation

The idea of life on other planets has always been a hot topic. An entire genre has been developed to showcase aliens stemming from human imagination. This is usually pseudoscience, but it does beg the question: are aliens real? While we have never contacted or found evidence of other civilizations, there is a way to […] Continue reading

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Blog 7: Drake Equation

The Drake equation, as we know, has served to estimate the amount of possible intelligent life in the universe. Up to this point, we only know of one, us. We were previously searching for life by looking for radio signals. But obviously, we have not had success with this. Despite this, a new method of […] Continue reading

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Drake Equation

The Drake equation is an equation that helps find out the possibility of alien civilizations. As shown above the N represents the number of civilizations with advanced technology through out the milky way. The equation is particularly interesting because depending on the person, you can find out if the person is a pessimist or anContinue reading “Drake Equation” Continue reading

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Drake Equation

The Drake equation is an equation used to estimate the amount of civilizations humans can communicate with. The Drake Equation was made by Frank Drake an American astronomer and astrophysicist from Chicago Illinois. The equation takes into factor only planets in the Milky Way Galaxy. The Drake Equation helps try to answer a question we’veContinue reading “Drake Equation” Continue reading

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Are We Alone?

As we’ve seen over the past few generations, our ability to harness technology to accomplish things never before seen or done has only increased exponentially. As a race, we’ve been able to photograph a black hole, we’ve been able to send probes to places in space that were thought to be unreachable, and we’ve just … Continue reading Are We Alone? Continue reading

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Where are the Aliens

The famous Fermi paradox asks a famous question: considering calculations that say we probably should have encountered extraterrestrial forms of life by now, why have we not? We wonder about the existence of intelligent life in the Universe other than our own. It is only natural, considering our own species’ discussion about possible colonization of … Continue reading Where are the Aliens Continue reading

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The Drake Equation

The Drake Equation can be used to estimate the number of communicating civilizations in the milky way galaxy. First proposed … More Continue reading

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Is The Drake Equation Useless?

The Drake Equation is an equation that was developed to help us determine what life exists in our universe beyond planet Earth. In class, we have been doing much work with the Drake Equation, including filling it out ourselves using our own estimates. But…is the Drake Equation useful or even worth our time? If you are […] Continue reading

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You Used to Call Me on Your Space Probe: Drake Equation

Personally, I love the Drake Equation. I think it’s extremely interesting to ponder, and it fascinates me that there are ways to roughly predict life within the Milky Way. However, I feel like the equation should be approached more so as a means to think about life rather than an actual mathematical equation. Rather than using […] Continue reading

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