Tag Archives: drake equation

Drake Equation

After watching a ton of Sci-Fi movies and hearing just how big the universe is, you start to wonder if we are really the only things out here in space. The universe is so massive that there has to be something else out there. Right? We can’t say for sure because we haven’t searched all […] Continue reading

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Drake Equation

How many civilizations are there in our galaxy? As a kid, I was awestruck by the knowledge of just how small we are as compared to the universe. The concept of “me” is nothing more than a tiny stardust living in 1 of the 100 billion star systems in our galaxy. However, if there are […] Continue reading

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Drake Equation

I have been thinking about whether there are civilizati […] Continue reading

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Farewell, for now

I have always loved the stars, nebulae, planets, and all the space in between, but I never had a chance to seriously study them until this year. I am incredibly grateful that I was able to devote two classes (and a lab!) to learning more about the processes that govern solar system formation and how […] Continue reading

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The Drake Equation and its Implications

     I’ve always wondered if there was life like humans in space, and thanks to the Drake equation, I’m now 99.9% sure there are multiple alien civilizations as advanced, if not more advanced, than us in our own galaxy. The Drake Equation hypothesizes that the number of alien civilizations that can communicate can be calculated with […] Continue reading

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The Drake Equation

The Drake equation is a mathematical formula used to estimate the number of potential intelligent civilizations in the Milky Way Galaxy. It was first proposed by astronomer Frank Drake in 1961, and has since become a widely used tool in the search for extraterrestrial life. The equation takes into account several factors that are believed […] Continue reading

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Alien civilizations. How many are there?

Throughout my life, I have always been curious of what lies beyond our sky and more importantly who lies there? After discussing the Drake Equation in class and also the probabilities and alignments necessary for there to be life, I am going to address this topic. According to the Guardian, scientists say that the amount […] Continue reading

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Blog Post 7: Drake Equation Odds

The Drake Equation is an equation used to determine the odds of communicating with another alien civilization. Created by Frank Drake in the 1961, it was a product of all of the odds of life forming, planets having suitable habitats, and how successful the life was on the planet. The first value was R, or […] Continue reading

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Dear Aliens – a retrospect

Well, that’s a wrap. With the inevitability of Earth’s annual progression around the writhing sphere of fire and fusion that sustains our life, another semester comes to a close and another class comes to an end. However, just as all things must end, all things must begin. Days, summers, worlds, perspectives, you name it. SoContinue reading “Dear Aliens – a retrospect” Continue reading

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Extraterrestrial Civilizations: The Drake Equation

We all love hearing stories about aliens and extraterrestrials. But what if I told you that there is a probabilistic equation that is used by scientists to estimate the amount of active and communicative extraterrestrial civilizations there are in the Milky Way. It is called the Drake Equation and it was made by Frank DrakeContinue reading “Extraterrestrial Civilizations: The Drake Equation” Continue reading

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