Tag Archives: Europa

Could There be Life on Europa?

Europa is one of Jupiter’s Galilean moons, meaning it’s one of the four largest moons that orbit Jupiter. What makes it particularly special is that it is considered one of the most likely places in our solar system (outside of Earth) that might contain life. Now, at a glance, it seems like that shouldn’t beContinue reading “Could There be Life on Europa?” Continue reading

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Big Planets’ Moons and Life Outside “Habitability”

Astrobiology has long relied on the concept of a “habitable zone”, that is a zone around a star that is the right distance from said star to hold liquid water, and therefore life. This concept is absolutely valuable, especially insofar as it allows us to classify new exoplanets and identify potential exoplanets that may hostContinue reading “Big Planets’ Moons and Life Outside “Habitability”” Continue reading

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Jupiter’s Eclectic Moons

As we’ve seen in our study of the Jovian planets, the actual planets themselves aren’t the only important space-related object that provides useful and insightful information. Every Jovian planet has some sort of celestial object orbiting or surrounding it, especially the moons surrounding Jupiter. Discovered by Galileo Galilei way back in 1610 (on January 10th), … Continue reading Jupiter’s Eclectic Moons Continue reading

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Europa, a moon of the planet Jupiter, was discovered in 1610 by Galileo Galilei and Simon Marius. It is a little smaller than Earth’s moon, and it has one of the smoothest surfaces in the solar system. The surface is made up of water ice with long, linear lines fracturing it. The low number of … Continue reading Europa Continue reading

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Colonization of Europa

Jupiter’s Ocean moon, Europa has been the subject of many works of fiction, as its oceanic surface of liquid water may be sustainable for life–either existing there today or humans in the future. One of NASA’s missions, the Europa Clipper, is set to launch in 2020 and should provide very detailed reconnaissance of the moon, … Continue reading Colonization of Europa Continue reading

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Life on Europa?

For thousands of years, humans have considered the possibility of life existing on other planets – specifically those in our own solar system. Perhaps one of the most prime candidates for harboring life in our Solar System (other than our own planet, of course) is Europa – one of Jupiter’s 4 largest moons. Europa, the […] Continue reading

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Europa And The Search For Life

    While the search for life on Mars is still ongoing, another planet may be the first world to where extraterrestrial life is found: Europa. Europa is a rocky moon of Jupiter, and it is known to have vast oceans of liquid water under thick sheets of water ice. Given it’s substantial size, it … Continue reading Europa And The Search For Life Continue reading

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Europa And The Search For Life

    While the search for life on Mars is still ongoing, another planet may be the first world to where extraterrestrial life is found: Europa. Europa is a rocky moon of Jupiter, and it is known to have vast oceans of liquid water under thick sheets of water ice. Given it’s substantial size, it … Continue reading Europa And The Search For Life Continue reading

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The Potential (and the Potential Challenges) of Life on Europa

When discussing the potential of finding life in our solar system, people are inclined to think of discovering large and complex life forms such as humans on another planet. Surprisingly, if we are to find life in our solar system outside of Earth, it will most likely be in the form of microorganisms within another … Continue reading The Potential (and the Potential Challenges) of Life on Europa Continue reading

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The Potential (and the Potential Challenges) of Life on Europa

When discussing the potential of finding life in our solar system, people are inclined to think of discovering large and complex life forms such as humans on another planet. Surprisingly, if we are to find life in our solar system outside of Earth, it will most likely be in the form of microorganisms within another … Continue reading The Potential (and the Potential Challenges) of Life on Europa Continue reading

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