Tag Archives: extremophiles


Extreomophiles are mircobes that can survive in ‘extreme’ environments. Our knowledge of these life forms forces us to reconsider the possibility of life on other planets because environments that seem inhospitable to us humans are actually hospitable for these extremophiles. There are several known types of extremophiles: thermophilies that can withstand extremely high temperatures, psychrophiles that can […] Continue reading

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Extremophiles in the Berkeley Pit

In Butte, Montana there is a toxic waste site, the Berkeley Pit, which has been discovered to be the home of various extremophiles. Some of these have even been identified to possibly produce anti-cancer agents and anti-inflammatories. The Berkeley Pit is a lake that is filled with about forty thousand gallons of acidic, metal contaminated […] Continue reading

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The Smallest Bears in the Universe

  Water Bears These little guys are a part of a special group of organisms called extremophiles. While their name may be a bit misleading, water bears (or moss piglet) measure about 1.5mm long and can live in some of the harshest conditions. This ability to survive in places where most living things would find unbearable separates […] Continue reading

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The toughest animal on the planet

Most creatures require a specific set of conditions to survive: a certain amount of oxygen, temperature, pressure, food, etc.  However, some animals can live in conditions so extreme they kill almost everything else.  These animals are called, fittingly, extremophiles.  One extremophile is the tardigrade, more commonly called water bears or moss piglets. In general, tardigrades […] Continue reading

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