Tag Archives: fermi

The Fermi Paradox and It’s Implications

  Enrico Fermi believed that we are alone in the universe. This belief was based on the fact that so far, we have seen no evidence of other intelligent beings. He figures that any civilization of intelligent beings would want to colonize, and would be able to do so in about 10 million years. If … Continue reading The Fermi Paradox and It’s Implications Continue reading

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The Fermi Paradox

After already having done research on the Drake equation and its implications for extra-solar life, the next question begs to be answered. If there really are so many earth-like planets out there that may have evolved intelligent life, why haven’t we heard from any of them? This is the underlying question that lies behind a […] Continue reading

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The Fermi Paradox

“Where are they?” asked Enrico Fermi to his colleagues in 1950.  Where is all the life that, by all rights, should populate our galaxy and the rest of the universe?  The Fermi Paradox arises from the knowledge that the whole of human history is but a blip in the cosmic calendar.  If we have so […] Continue reading

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Is anybody out there? There are only two answers to this question: yes, or no. And it’s hard to say which one is scarier. For as long as we have studied and understood the cosmos, this question has constantly pelted our curious minds. Amidst the dark, cold, corridors of space, on a small ball of […] Continue reading

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Take Me To Your Leader

    In 1950, Enrico Fermi famously asked: “Where is everybody?” With humanity’s rise in technological progress, we could colonize the galaxy within a couple million years. If we apply the Cosmological Principle (We are not special) to our galaxy, the cosmos should be crawling with life. With over half a trillion planets in our…Read more Take Me To Your Leader Continue reading

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The Fermi Paradox

As Arthur C. Clarke once famously said, “Two possibilities exist. Either we are alone in the universe or we are not. Both are equally terrifying.” This quote is relates in a very basic way to the Fermi Paradox. The paradox is that through the Drake Equation and the sheer size of the universe, there should […] Continue reading

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The Fermi Paradox

To be, or not to be? Is that really the question? According to the Fermi Paradox, it’s a perfectly valid one. The Fermi Paradox, coined after Enrico Fermi, is a theory that addresses life elsewhere in the universe as a probable reality. The only issue is, however, that no other forms of life (that we […] Continue reading

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Half Empty or Half Full?

Fermi’s paradox has some unsettling points depending on how you see the glass. Continue reading

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The Fermi Paradox

Have you ever sat around and wondered, where are all the aliens? Well, you certainly aren’t the only one. In 1950, Enrico Fermi came to the realization that “any civilization with a modest amount of rocket technology and an immodest amount of imperial incentive could rapidly colonize the entire galaxy” according to SETI.  His theory, known… More The Fermi Paradox Continue reading

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Where are they?

Ever since human beings have been aware of our place in the universe, we have been searching for signs of extraterrestrial life, specifically intelligent life. However, despite our best efforts and certainty that it is unlikely that we are alone in the galaxy, we still find ourselves asking: “Where are they?” With modern scientific knowledge, … Continue reading Where are they? Continue reading

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