Tag Archives: galileo

Historical Astronomers in Context

My chosen astronomy is Galileo. He was born Feb 15, 1564 and died Jan 8, 1642. Galileo was important for astronomy because he published his work using telescopes to observe the night sky, discovered three of Jupiter’s moons, made detailed observations of our moon, observed the phases of Venus, described the Milky Way as being […] Continue reading

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Historical Astronomers in Context

2) Galileo (February 15, 1564 – January 8, 1642) was incredibly important to the progress and history of astronomy. He carried on the work done by Kepler in helping prove that the Copernican heliocentric model of our solar system was correct rather than the Aristotelian geocentric. He did this by disproving many of the objectionsContinue reading “Historical Astronomers in Context” Continue reading

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Historical Astronomers in Context (Galileo Galilei)

Galileo Galilei Born February 15, 1564  Died January 8, 1642  2. Galileo Galilei has been called the father of observational astronomy, modern physics, the scientific method, and modern science itself. He was influential in the field of astronomy due to his contributions which included telescopic confirmation of the phases of Venus, observation of satellites around …

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Historical Astronomers in Context

Galileo Galilei was an Italian astronomer who lived from February 15, 1564, to January 8, 1642. He made significant contributions to the field through his telescopic observations. Galileo learned of telescopes, a newly invented device at the time, and … Continue reading

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Reconciling Science and Religion

In 1615, Galileo wrote a letter to the Grand Duchess Christina (read: the Church) “to accommodate Copernicanism with the doctrines of the Catholic Church … [by] arguing that the Copernican theory was not just a mathematical calculating tool, but a physical reality” (source).  In his letter, Galileo claimed – among other things – the following:Continue reading “Reconciling Science and Religion” Continue reading

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Historical Astronomers in Context

Galileo Galilei Birth: February 15, 1564.  Death: January 8, 1642 Historical events: The most important historical event in Galileo’s life should be Renaissance, during which Italy was the center of the revolution. Galileo was a leading figure in the scientific revolution during Renaissance. In that period, many achievements were made in fields such as painting,Continue reading “Historical Astronomers in Context” Continue reading

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Astronomy & the Catholic Church

Although some might make the claim that the Catholic Church has and always will be anti-science (a myth perpetuated partly by Catholic fundamentalism), the church has actually had a longstanding relationship with the sciences dating as far back as the early Middle Ages. [1] The beginning of the church’s interest in astronomy began when issues… Continue reading

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The Discovery of the Speed of Light

While Aristotle believed that light could travel instantaneously, the first experimental attempt to measure the speed of light came from Galileo Galilei in 1667. He placed two people with covered lights on the top of hills that were about a mile apart. The first person was instructed to uncover his light, and when the second … Continue reading The Discovery of the Speed of Light Continue reading

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Jupiter’s Eclectic Moons

As we’ve seen in our study of the Jovian planets, the actual planets themselves aren’t the only important space-related object that provides useful and insightful information. Every Jovian planet has some sort of celestial object orbiting or surrounding it, especially the moons surrounding Jupiter. Discovered by Galileo Galilei way back in 1610 (on January 10th), … Continue reading Jupiter’s Eclectic Moons Continue reading

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Galileo in Context

Galileo Galilei, born February 15, 1564, died January 8, 1642. Galileo essentially solidified Copernicus’s, Brahe’s, and Kepler’s work that showed that Earth is not the center of the universe. His observations of the sun, moon, Venus, and Jupiter’s moons were important in proving that celestial bodies are not perfect and that most things in the … Continue reading Galileo in Context Continue reading

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