Tag Archives: life

Alien Life on Europa?!

A huge plume of water vapor has again been spotted emanating from Europa, Jupiter’s icy moon, boosting scientists’ confidence that the phenomenon is real. NASA’s Hubble Space Telescope detected a 62-mile-high (100 kilometers) candidate plume near Europa’s equator in February 2016, researchers and agency officials announced today (April 13) – SPACE NASA and the ESA are planning […] Continue reading

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Monkeys in Space!

The pioneer monkey in space was named Albert II. On his mission, he made it 83 miles above the Earth. However, despite surviving the trip up, Albert II died when his parachute malfunctioned on his way down.  On his trip, he was under anesthesia, and attached to sensors so that scientists could monitor his vitals… Continue reading Monkeys in Space! Continue reading

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Take Me To Your Leader

    In 1950, Enrico Fermi famously asked: “Where is everybody?” With humanity’s rise in technological progress, we could colonize the galaxy within a couple million years. If we apply the Cosmological Principle (We are not special) to our galaxy, the cosmos should be crawling with life. With over half a trillion planets in our…Read more Take Me To Your Leader Continue reading

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Ceres Harbors Building Blocks of Life

Ceres, the largest asteroid in the Solar System, and now considered a dwarf planet, may have once been habitable. NASA’s Dawn spacecraft collected samples from the surface and were found to contain organic compounds and amino acids, which are often referred to as the building blocks of life. Dawn has also discovered evidence of a subsurface… Continue reading Ceres Harbors Building Blocks of Life Continue reading

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Are We Alone?

One thought-provoking question always lingers in my mind, and I believe that I am not the only one. Are we alone? The space as we know it – vast, spacious – seeming to disappear into nothingness as it expands. Reaching far away, way out of my realm of understanding and it scares me. We are … Continue reading Are We Alone? Continue reading

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Tardigrades: Powers of the “Water Bear”

Hot, cold, dry, wet, and even the vacuum of space – somehow, the tardigrade can survive them all. Continue reading

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Specific Europa Mission Currently Under Works, Now Named

In the quest to find habitable bodies, Jupiter’s moon Europa has been a high priority on the exploration list due to its liquid saltwater ocean underneath its ice crust. Three key ingredients for life must be present in order for biological activity to take place: liquid water, chemical ingredients, and energy sources able to enable […] Continue reading

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Life Outside Earth: Are we alone?

  Ah, aliens. The beings of science fiction movies. The topic of many a conspiracy theory. Many have doubted their existence, but in all likelihood, they are real. It is highly improbable that humans here on Earth are the first form of technology producing life in the Milky Way Galaxy. With today’s technology, thousands of… Continue reading Life Outside Earth: Are we alone? Continue reading

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Life on Jupiter’s Moons?

We might not have to look beyond our solar system to find other life. Continue reading

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The Explosion That Starts Life

Ever wonder how kingdoms of animals ever started? What causes them? When? And ultimately, HOW? It’s CAMBRIAN EXPLOSION! Cambrian Explosion is a relatively rapid appearance of animal kingdoms or known as phyla – a taxonomic term which means the primary kingdom of animals – which happened around 530 million years ago and lasted about 54 … Continue reading The Explosion That Starts Life Continue reading

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