Tag Archives: Light Pollution

The Banner of Heaven

This term, originally coined in the late nineteenth century, at least with its current connotation, began to speak to me in a unique way in high school. I took a backpacking trip in Northern California, and experienced a dry, warm, cloudless night with no shelter but a mosquito net. The sky was brilliant, and it felt like […] Continue reading

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Reducing Sky Glow

Stargazing is awesome! But sometimes, the night sky is not visible due to light pollution. In cities like Nashville, a common type of light pollution is “sky glow”. Sky glow is the brightening of the entire night sky, especially in populated areas. The light pollution around Nashville inhibits our view of zodiacal light, airglow, and … Continue reading Reducing Sky Glow Continue reading

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Bright Lights (and not much else)

Matchbox Twenty’s Bright Lights. CeeLo Green’s Bright Lights Bigger City. My personal favorite is Sara Bareilles’s Bright Lights and Cityscapes. There is no shortage of songs about… Read more “Bright Lights (and not much else)” Continue reading

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I’ve got this giant telescope and I don’t know where to put it: a guide for all your telescope placement needs.

Hey, where should I put my giant telescope? Ideally, you would put your telescope into space! Space is most advantageous for observing the stars because most types of non-visible light are blocked by our atmosphere; this wider spectrum of detectable light allows for more detailed study of some of the universe’s greatest extremes. Some of […] Continue reading

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Light Pollution in the Move From Rural to Urban

I am from a very small rural town, which equates to incredible views of the starry sky every night. Every so often, mostly on warm summer nights, there would be bonfires in the middle of a field or on a beach and the sky would be absolutely incredible to behold. It wasn’t until I moved […] Continue reading

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