Tag Archives: me

Introductory Post

Welcome to my ASTR 2110 blog. This is my introductory post. I have attached a photo of an exploding star, which was taken by the Hubble spacecraft. You can read more about this image and how it was taken here. Continue reading

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By me

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First Post Woo!

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Max the Maltipoo :D

Above is a picture of my dog, Max the Maltipoo, but I just call him Max. He is heckin cute. He is currently 8 years old but turns 9 in April of 2020 :(. This probably means that he will probably die soon (apparently Maltipoos have an average lifespan of 12 years) so I amContinue reading “Max the Maltipoo :D” Continue reading

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ASTR 2110 1st post

Hi, my name is Colin, and I am currently a student athlete at Vanderbilt University. I am taking 2 astronomy classes this semester, and hope to gain a good amount of perspective when it comes to knowing about space and our place in it. I’ve always enjoyed sci-fi and fantasy genres of books, movies, andContinue reading “ASTR 2110 1st post” Continue reading

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Welcome to my space blog! Since the only free site name I could find including my title included “music”, I figured I needed to find a picture involving both space and music. I do like music, though I didn’t name the blog that way on purpose. I play piano and saxophone. Continue reading

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Welcome to My Blog!

https://www.nasa.gov/image-feature/galactic-pyrotechnics-from-23-million-light-years-away A cool Hubble Space Telescope photo and article I found. Continue reading

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My First Blog Post

These are the 12 Apostles in Victoria, Australia. For more information, visit here. Continue reading

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In the Beginning

This is a test blog to ensure the capabilities are functioning correctly. My name is Erich (I’m named for my dad, Richard: as I’m the oldest child I’m the “heir of Rick”). Here’s a photo of me. Here’s a link to my favorite blog post about astronomy, from Wait But Why: https://waitbutwhy.com/2014/05/fermi-paradox.html . I’ll postContinue reading “In the Beginning” Continue reading

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Welcome to my crazy blog!

Be yourself; Everyone else is already taken. — Oscar Wilde. This is the first post on my new blog. Below is a picture to beautiful alpacas and llamas. But what is the difference between these animals? Continue reading

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