Tag Archives: me

Getting Started

This post serves as a trial to make sure that all is set up and formatted correctly, but I do want to include something fun! Below is a picture of the Milky Way Galaxy (the same picture we used in class). I really enjoyed the last lecture because it made me realize just now massiveContinue reading “Getting Started” Continue reading

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Intro Post!!

Three Lanes and Seven Alleys (三坊七巷) – Fuzhou, China Continue reading

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Meet (Astrono)me! ⭐

Thank you for visiting my blog! 😊 Hello! My name is Vivian Li, and I’m just now starting my blog about my studies on the solar system this upcoming semester. I’m a junior undergraduate student in Vanderbilt University, and looking forward to great things this semester in ASTR2110! Though I’m a computer science major and … Continue reading Meet (Astrono)me! ⭐ Continue reading

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The Big Cheese

I’m a wonderer, so often times I wonder about odd things. Also, I have a nickname, The Big Cheese. nickname, The Big Cheese.https://www.pinterest.com/pin/429741989423661504 Kinda related both of those things, today I’m going to be asking: “Where did the idea that the Moon was made of cheese come from?” To start, I did a simple google … Continue reading The Big Cheese Continue reading

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2200 Nanometers

About 1/50th a hair’s width. That’s the size of the error which seriously set back the Hubble telescope. Perkin-Elmer diagnostics was tasked with grinding down the primary mirror, a 7.8 foot wide *almost* flat surface. The mirror’s curvature was determined by a reflective mirror array which bends a laser to precisely trace the surface’s desired … Continue reading 2200 Nanometers Continue reading

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Here’s a link to my 10th grade English blog   Continue reading

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A little big place

By me!My favorite website as mentioned on the first day of class is existentialcomics.com.

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First Blog Post

I am from St. Louis
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Hey everyone! My name is Justin and I am definitely excited to be learning more about space this spring!  In the above picture you can see my dog Rusty snuggling an astro textbook, so you can bet he is excited to learn as well.  In fact, my blog is named after Rusty himself, and it…

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Hi, I’m Jordyn.

I’m studying Electrical Engineering. I love ceramics, drawing, playing volleyball, and playing video games. Below is a photo of my roommate and me at the solar eclipse in 2017! Here is a fun game called entanglement! Continue reading

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