Tag Archives: me

Observing Deep Space

Trying to observe deep space proves to be difficult with the naked eye.  Over time telescopes have allowed humans to see farther and farther into space.  The Hubble space telescope was launched in 1990 and orbits around the Earth.  Because the telescope is in space, there is minimal light pollution.  The telescope lens is almost […] Continue reading

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Blog #1 Vast Size and Scale

From Chapter 1 of our course textbook, we dived deep into the vastness that is space. We explored what our cosmic address is, how long it takes to travel among the stars in terms of light-years, and measured our distance from the center of the Milky Way. Despite this almost unimaginable expanse, the chapter doesn’t really […] Continue reading

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The voyager was sent out to explore deep space.  Since it was launched in 1977 it has now traveled 130 AU and was sent to explore the solar system.  It used planetary assists to achieve the solar system escape velocity required to enter interstellar space. In almost 40 years of travel, the Voyager 1 has […] Continue reading

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This is me. This blog works. I love science, writing, singing, and enjoying the time I have to spend with my family (because I’m an international student from Lebanon, I don’t have a lot of it!) Continue reading

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The Big Bang (of this Blog)

captain’s blog, Stardate: 69521.8
Welcome to the start of my space blog. Below, you’ll see a completely accurate, undoctored, (appropriately captioned) photo of me!

from Collider
that sure was a *crazy* Christmas party. Continue reading

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First Post

This is what I guess you could consider my first official post for my astronomy class. The first of what I’m sure will be many. I love adventure. Its that simple for me. I love getting out there and doing. The picture you see above is from my hiking trip through the wilderness. For those… Continue reading

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About Me

Hi, I’m Samihah Islam, a student in Dr. Grundstrom’s Astronomy class at Vanderbilt. I’m a sophomore-recently-switched-computer science major, formerly premed (weren’t we all). My hobbies include graphic design, baking, and disappointing my parents.         Photo: taken by a friend. Continue reading

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Introductory blog post

 The Suburbs picture (Wikipedia)
This is a picture of an album that I like called The Suburbs by Arcade Fire. I’m excited to start working on this blog! Continue reading

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Blog 0 – Starting up

Hi, everyone! I’m Paxton, and this is my astronomy blog.
Here is a picture of me as a freshman in high school at a space museum I visited for extra credit in my earth science class. 
(photo by my mom)
I can’t wait for a great semester! Continue reading

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Now I am become Bin, collector of Recyclables (taken by me)

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