Tag Archives: me

VADL Rocket

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Blog #0 Starting Up

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Introduction to Me

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Astro2110: Blog 0

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Look, Ma! I Got a Blog!

Getting to know the girl at the helm… Continue reading

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Solar System: Blog 0

Hi, my name is Nate and I am a senior Public Policy major. One of my favorite hobbies is golfing. This is a picture of the 12th hole at my home course Polo Fields Country Club. I look forward to posting … Continue reading Continue reading

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A Piece of Me

Just a simple picture of me that I took. I’m not much of a selfie taker. Continue reading

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ASTR2110: Blog 0

Hi there, I’m Lindsey! This is my blog. For this semester, most of my posts will be related to a course I’m taking at Vanderbilt University – Astronomy 2210: The Solar System. Here is a picture of me to put a face to the voice behind the words. Is that not the largest bowl you’ve […] Continue reading

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First Post

Welcome to my Solar Systems blog! I look forward to posting here throughout the semester. This is one of my favorite pictures. Last summer, I taught at an amazing school in India and this was the view from my study hall classroom every evening! Continue reading

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Oscar’s Introductory Post

Photo: By me Hi, I’m Oscar. One of my favorite things to do here at Vanderbilt is play for the club baseball team. This picture was from a game against Georgia last spring. I completely missed the tag on this play, which is something I would usually never admit, but the umpire still called him… More Oscar’s Introductory Post Continue reading

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