Tag Archives: me

Emily’s Introduction Post

Hey everyone! This was taken just behind my house in my beautiful home, northern Colorado! The mountains are my favorite …

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Adam’s Introductory Post

My cousins, sister and I skiing back in 2006 in New Hampshire. I haven’t been skiing since not sure if it is because my jacket doesn’t fit anymore or because I always had to get ski lifted down the mountain. Continue reading

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Space Sloth

Hey everyone! If you know me, you’ll know that I absolutely love sloths and sloth memes…I think they’re cute and hilarious. So, what better meme than a space sloth for my very first astronomy blog post? Continue reading

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Blog Post #0

Test post to make sure everything works well. Wikipedia     Continue reading

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Hello world!

So I was bored and decided to make this blog (actually, one of my professors forced me to do it). Now that I’m here, I guess it’s time I start posting. My interests range from matters as diverse as foreign languages, video games, astronomy, politics and reading. In fact, here’s a picture of me and some […] Continue reading

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Introduction of Myself

Hello everyone I’m new to wordpress and I don’t really feel habituated blogging. Maybe it will get better through time:)
My name’s Neil and I’m currently an undergraduate student at the Vanderbilt University.  Continue reading

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The slowness of the speed of light

Warp Speed The speed of light is about 3*10^8 m/s, or in more recognizable units, over 670 million miles per hour. To observers on Earth, this is unimaginably fast and allows us to communicate almost instantly with anyone, no matter where they live. In fact, light can travel around Earth over 7 times in a … Continue reading The slowness of the speed of light Continue reading

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Blog Post #0: Hi world!

I went to Ecuador this Thanksgiving Break with Vanderbilt’s Manna Project.  It was a life-changing trip where we worked on building a greenhouse out of recyclable material. Continue reading

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First Post

My brother Nathan and I at his lacrosse game – Summer 2012 Continue reading

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Westin Hotel

  Wikipedia Continue reading

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