Tag Archives: me

First Post

This is a photo of my sister and me from our trip to Italy last summer. She’s a really awesome person and it was a great trip :) Continue reading

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The Beginning

This is what I guess you could consider my first official post for my astronomy class. The first of what I’m sure will be many. I love adventure. Its that simple for me. I love getting out there and doing. The picture you see above is from my hiking trip through the wilderness. For those… Continue reading

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First Post

Sad to see Coach James Franklin leaving us. This is a picture of him and I in Bristol, CT during my summer internship with ESPN.
Picture from “VandyFootball” twitter account (July 22, 2013). Continue reading

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First Post

This is a picture of me in Ecuador. Saw some stars that were ‘out of this world’… Continue reading

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First Post

This is a picture of me in Ecuador. Saw some stars that were ‘out of this world’… Continue reading

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Keeping My Eye On The Sky

An attempt at watching the sky from the roof of my house. Continue reading

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First Post

Hi I’m Grady Lynch. I’m a freshman and a mechanical engineering major. I’ve always been really interested in space and the solar system and I’m hoping to earn a minor in astronomy! I took Astronomy 102 with Dr. Weintraub last semester and really enjoyed it. I find many aspects of space fascinating so choosing one […] Continue reading

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Hello WordPress

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Introductory Post

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Introductory Post

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