Tag Archives: me

Blog #0

Even though this is a picture of my feet (and I don’t like feet) this picture best represents who I am.  I LOVE the outdoors and being outside finding peace in the presence of nature.  This picture was taken last … Continue reading Continue reading

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Music and Universe

Hi, this is my first post on my Astro 201 class blog. Although this is supposed to be a blog about astronomy, I am going to start this post with my classical guitar. Here is a picture of my guitar. I’ve always loved music. After I listened to the prelude of this piece, I thought […] Continue reading

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Chicago Skyline

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One of My Favorite Places on Earth

Rocky Mountain National Park is one of my favorite places on the planet. I took this picture facing away from Timberline Falls, shortly after I’d climbed down it (a scary but exhilarating experience). If you look just below the center of the photo, you can see The Loch, just one of the many beautiful alpine lakes you […] Continue reading

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Intro post

Hi, my name’s Megan C.  I’m a Junior triple majoring in Computer Science, Math, and Political Science. I love the West Coast. I visit Portland often because my older sister lives there, but I’m hoping to get an internship in Seattle this summer.  This is a picture of Mount Hood, which is considered the most […] Continue reading

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