Tag Archives: Moon

Heavy Bombardment

One topic in our readings that I found to be particularly interesting was the period known as “Heavy Bombardment” that took place in our solar system hundreds of millions of years ago. This simulation provides an excellent example of the … Continue reading Continue reading

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The Moon’s Effects on the Ocean

Generally, if you’ve ever been on the ocean, you understand the concept of tides. You put your umbrella and chair up at noon near the edge of the ocean and you fall asleep and you wake up a few hours later in the middle of the waves. You didn’t move, so the ocean had to… Continue reading

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GRAIL Maps the Gravity of the Moon

  Twin NASA probes orbiting the moon for the Gravity Recovery and Interior Labority (GRAIL) mission have created the most highly detailed gravity field map of any celestial body. Pictured above, this map reveals an abundance of features includ… Continue reading

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Moon Landing Evidence! :)

In class today (Wednesday), I showed some of the lunar landing footage available to we, denizens of the Internet, for FREE!  NASA is a public entity and as such, happily will show us many awesome things and has given us the Apollo Lunar Surface Journal (ALSJ).  Much of the text was written by former astronauts […] Continue reading

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The Moon Illusion and How to Resolve It

The moon is always the same size. It seems like an easy enough concept to grasp, but it doesn’t explain why the moon doesn’t always look like it’s the same size. I’m sure you’ve all seen it. You go out early on the night of a full moon, and the moon looks HUGE. In high school, […] Continue reading

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Mysterious as the Dark Side of the Moon

If you’ve ever watched the Disney movie Mulan, then you’ve heard the phrase “mysterious as the dark side of the moon.” This is a pretty common–although somewhat incorrect–phrase to say that something is unknown, much like the side of the moon that we can’t see. The moon is in synchronous orbit with the Earth, meaning […] Continue reading

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The Moon’s Appearance

Following class on Wednesday, in which we discussed the lunar cycle and the moon’s appearance to us here on Earth, I looked up at the Moon while walking to my […] Continue reading

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The Moon and its Lunar Eclipse

People travel all over the world to catch a glimpse of the rare phenomenon known as a lunar eclipse. In the past, this misunderstood event inspired some fear as the Moon became darker and darker until in turned blood-red, signifying an act of some god or deity. Now, we know this event occurs every so […] Continue reading

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Why does the moon look red?

If you have ever seen an image of a lunar eclipse, or have had the privilege of viewing one in person, you probably noticed that the moon does not retain its bright, whitish color; instead, the moon turns a shade of orange or red.  If you don’t know what I’m talking about, this very cool youtube video […] Continue reading

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Moon App!

Apple has an application for your iPod and iPad that helps you easily learn everything you would want to know about the moon. It is kind of like Stellarium for your phone! Whether you want to know the phase the moon is currently in, its Azimuth or altitude, this app can tell you. I think […] Continue reading

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