Tag Archives: NASA

Returning to the Moon: NASA’s Artemis Program

It has been nearly fifty years since the last time humanity set foot on the Moon. Now, with NASA’s new Artemis program, humanity may reach the rocky surface of our only natural satellite once again. With a focus on both science and society, NASA’s hope with the Artemis program is to put the first woman … Continue reading Returning to the Moon: NASA’s Artemis Program Continue reading

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The Death of Cassini

The Cassini Spacecraft was designed to explore Saturn and its many rings and moons. It launched from Earth in 1997, beginning its 7-year journey to the outer solar system. Upon arrival, it released the Huygens Probe – the first object of our own creation to land in the outer solar system. This probe landed onContinue reading “The Death of Cassini” Continue reading

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Becoming One with Saturn

On September 17, 2017, NASA’s Cassini’s spacecraft exhausted its fuel supply. This marked the end of a 20 yearlong space exploration and 13 yearlong orbit around The planet Saturn. The Cassini Mission was monumental in more ways than one. It was the first spacecraft to orbit Saturn, first to land in the outer solar system, […] Continue reading

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The Cleanest Place on Earth

While working with or assembling new instruments or components used for space travel , NASA engineers and scientists must make their way to the clean room where they will give satellites and spacecrafts a final inspection before they can be launched into space. As the name suggests this room has to be free of any […] Continue reading

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The Public Perception of Space Travel

In recent times, there is much political hubbub, controversy, and polarization. As someone interested in such things and making sense of them, I began to wonder – how does the American public stand on issues of space travel? Do people tend to value it, broadly, and how do they think it should be approached? IContinue reading “The Public Perception of Space Travel” Continue reading

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Maybe Microfossils on Mars?

NASA’s most recent Mars mission sent a new rover to the Red Planet – her name is Perseverance. The mission launched late last July and successfully landed just last month, utilizing a variation of the sky crane maneuver initially developed for the Curiosity mission (another blog post worth of material). Perseverance is now searching forContinue reading “Maybe Microfossils on Mars?” Continue reading

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Moon Rock Mischief!

Apparently theft isn’t exclusive to Earth! In 2002, college NASA interns Thad Roberts, Tiffany Fowler, and Shae Saur stole more than $20 million worth of moon rocks from the Johnson Space Center in Houston, Texas. How did they pull it off, exactly? An elaborate heist that eventually ended in an FBI sting operation. In May… Continue reading

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Dwarf Perspective

There are many celestial bodies in the Kuiper Belt. One notable object is a dwarf planet named Makemake. This dwarf planet was one of the objects NASA used to demote Pluto from its previous planet status down to dwarf planet status. NASA wasn’t aware of other bodies that looked like Pluto, and when they foundContinue reading “Dwarf Perspective” Continue reading

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Space Junk

Space junk is a potential threat to human space exploration. In the frictionless vacuum of space, even a small particulate left behind by a past voyage can become deadly, fracturing seals and damaging the integrity of any spacecraft as it travels at extremely high speeds. So far, we’ve been relatively lucky—the sheer size of spaceContinue reading “Space Junk” Continue reading

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With a growing distrust in both science and the government (something I discussed in one of my earlier blog posts about the Flat Earth Movement), NASA is one government agency that comes under a lot of fire these days. With many in politics hoping to slash the NASA budget or cut the agency entirely, itContinue reading “Why NASA?” Continue reading

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