Tag Archives: Newton

Sir Isaac Newton

Biography Year of Birth: 1642 Year of Death: 1727 Historical Events Occurring During the Life of Isaac Newton Great Fire of London.  This five day fire during September of 1666 is one of the most famous disasters in the history of London.  During the fire, much of London was destroyed and 100,000 people became homeless. […] Continue reading

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Historical Astronomers in Context

Isaac Newton 25 December 1642 – 20 March 1726 Pic Source Isaac Newton invented calculus and formulated the theory of universal gravity. His work in the fields of mathematics and physics revolutionized science and allowed astronomers to understand the motions of heavenly bodies and the forces that interact between them. CONTEMPORARY EVENTS The Great Plague of London […] Continue reading

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Historical Astronomers in Context

Isaac Newton (25 December 1642 – 20 March 1726) is a milestone in the scientific history. He studied laws of physics and mathematics, invented calculus as a means to calculate the orbits of celestial objects. He summarized three laws of motion, and came up with the explanation of the gravity, the reason why we stand […] Continue reading

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Historical Figures In Context

Newton (December 25, 1642-March 20, 1726) was important to astronomy because he was probably the most influential physicist ever. Newton’s laws of physics help explain why planets orbit stars and why moons orbit planets, for example. While many others just made observations, Newton was able to describe why these occurrences were happening through his discovery of […] Continue reading

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Historical Astronomers in Context

For my chosen astronomer, I chose Isaac Newton. He was a physicist, astronomer, and mathematician and his contributions can be found everywhere. Among his findings in astronomy, he is best known for his theory of universal gravitation, which produced an equation that became one of the staples in future astronomical findings. During his lifetime (he lived […] Continue reading

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Historical Astronomers in Context

Newton: 1642-1727 Isaac Newton’s discovery of gravity radically changed our perspective of the Earth and our Moon’s orbit.  Although many scientists before Newton had discredited Aristotle’s theory on a geo-centric universe, the understanding of gravity was the cherry on top … Continue reading Continue reading

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