Tag Archives: nuclear fusion

Nuclear Fusion

Nuclear fusion is when two atoms combine into another atom. This is the opposite of nuclear fission, which is when an atom is split into smaller atoms. Nuclear fission is how we generate nuclear energy on earth, and is highly efficient. Nuclear fusion, however, would be even more efficient. Instead of using uranium for fission, […] Continue reading

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The Energy within the Sun

The sun is a main sequence star, which means it is powered through the process of nuclear fusion. Nuclear fusion is the process of multiple (two or more) nuclei combining to form a completely different nuclei. This process occurs under extreme conditions and releases immense amounts of energy. The sun, at its core (literally), is … Continue reading The Energy within the Sun Continue reading

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Nuclear Fusion

The Sun generates energy by fusing hydrogen into helium due to a process known as nuclear fusion. Fusion occurs within the Sun because the plasma in the solar core is full of hot gases that collide with one another at extremely high speeds. In most cases, electromagnetic repulsion forces deflect the nuclei of the two … Continue reading Nuclear Fusion Continue reading

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An Artificial Sun

In November of 2018, Chinese scientists announced their work on an artificial sun. Their goal is to develop the same nuclear fusion process that occurs within the sun (the conversion of hydrogen into helium) on Earth to ultimately create a source of unlimited clean energy. One of the biggest challenges of this project is to … Continue reading An Artificial Sun Continue reading

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Nuclear Fusion Here on Earth

Though nuclear fusion is most often talked about as something that takes place in the cores of stars, many people don’t realize that nuclear fusion has been produced by people here on Earth since the 1940s. Unfortunately for the first several decades that fusion occurred on Earth, it only served the purpose of destruction. Although … Continue reading Nuclear Fusion Here on Earth Continue reading

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Nuclear Fusion

Image Source Since the discovery of nuclear fission and nuclear fusion, people have thought to use nuclear reactions that release energy to generate heat for industrial production. Up to 2015, nuclear power has provided more than 10% of world’s electricity. Since fusion involves the merging of atomic nuclei and it’s so hard to get it […] Continue reading

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Nuclear Fusion

Image Source Since the discovery of nuclear fission and nuclear fusion, people have thought to use nuclear reactions that release energy to generate heat for industrial production. Up to 2015, nuclear power has provided more than 10% of world’s electricity. Since fusion involves the merging of atomic nuclei and it’s so hard to get it […] Continue reading

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Nuclear Fusion: the Energy Source of the Future?

Though the power of the Sun is quite amazing, the Sun is simply a giant, burning ball of hydrogen. Due to the immense gravity of the Sun, hydrogen particles at the Sun’s core are under enough pressure that they collide with one another despite the force of the positive charges to repel one another. In […] Continue reading

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Nuclear Fusion: the Energy Source of the Future?

Though the power of the Sun is quite amazing, the Sun is simply a giant, burning ball of hydrogen. Due to the immense gravity of the Sun, hydrogen particles at the Sun’s core are under enough pressure that they collide with one another despite the force of the positive charges to repel one another. In […] Continue reading

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Problems of Nuclear Fusion for Energy

Scientists have known how to use the process of nuclear fusion as a weapon for over 50 years at this point. However, we have yet to find a way to repurpose it as a safe, nearly unlimited energy source. One of the main issues that researchers are facing with trying to tackle this issue is […] Continue reading

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