Tag Archives: pioneer

We are Lucky

We should be grateful for our place in exploration. Sometimes I get sad, and mope around upset that I was born at the wrong time. The phrase goes something like “born too late to explore the Earth, too early to explore the stars.” And it is so easy to get caught up in it. But […] Continue reading

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The Pioneer Plaque

While unlikely that Pioneer 10 will reach another civilization, NASA (mainly Carl Sagan and Frank Drake) provided Pioneer 10 with a plaque that would hopefully tell another intelligent civilization about our own civilization on Earth. Continue reading

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Forgotten, but not always gone: the various fates of planetary probes

  Bad news: your favorite space probe has been deactivated or worse – its power ran out. What’s the next step? For us as humans, tearsĀ for what we’ve lostĀ but ultimately, hope – as long as the government (or Elon Musk) cares, more things will be shot into space. For the space probe, well, that can […] Continue reading

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The Pioneer Plaque and the Objectification of Men in Inter Galactic Space

The Pioneer plaques are a pair of gold-anodized aluminium plaques which were put on board the Pioneer 10 and Pioneer 11 spacecrafts in the early 1970s. They contain on them a pictorial message of the civilization that exists on Earth in case either of these spacecrafts are intercepted by intelligent life elsewhere in the galaxy […] Continue reading

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