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Here’s Some Information About Pluto So It Feels Less Rejected

While Earthlings seem to have a general adoration (borderline obsession) with the personified Pluto, the planet itself does present several scientific marvels and interests. One such fascinating feature of Pluto is in it’s region known as Sputnik Planum. This weirdly smooth section of the planet is segmented into cellular units, and a proposed reason for… Continue reading Here’s Some Information About Pluto So It Feels Less Rejected Continue reading

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The Sun Is Going To Kill Us

As nuclear fusion depletes a star’s hydrogen supply throughout the phases of stellar evolution, a spherical shell of hydrogen will … More Continue reading

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The Shape of The Terrestrial Planets

Here upon Earth, it is known that the planet’s surface is constantly changing, due to weather, tectonic movements, erosion by water, wind, flora, fauna, etc., and various other natural phenomena. These forces cause geographic features such as mountains, valleys, and other characteristics of Earth’s surface. Although the terrestrial planets all share various characteristics, the other… Continue reading The Shape of The Terrestrial Planets Continue reading

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Potentially Hospitable Exoplanets

One of the most exciting thoughts for many is the possibility of life on another planet. With our Solar System being explored without success, the search has spread to other systems for a hospitable exoplanet. An exoplanet, also know as an extrasolar planet, is simply a planet outside of our solar system. The goal for […] Continue reading

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Climate Change and Earth’s Coral

Global warming is incredibly real, and an incredibly big problem. According to NASA, 9 of the 10 warmest years on record have occurred in the last 17 years, as well as the amount of arctic ice shrinking to the lowest it has ever been recorded in 2012. Our habits as a population are ever increasingly changing […] Continue reading

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The Hale-Bopp Comet

Comet Hale-Bopp, also known as the The Great Comet of 1997, was a comet that appeared in – you guessed it – 1997. It was first discovered in 1995 by both Alan Hale and Thomas Bopp, after whom it was named. It was first visible in mid 1996, but did not reach its brightest until […] Continue reading

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The Epic Exploration of Voyager 2

Voyager 2 space probe was launched by NASA to study the outer solar. It was launched from Cape Canaveral in Florida on August 20, 1977. The primary mission of Voyager 2 is to make flybys of the four Jovian planets in our solar system. Having visited the Jovian system in 1979, the Saturnian system in […] Continue reading

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Blog 6: Orion and the Space Launch System

NASA is building a new human spacecraft. The Orion spacecraft will carry humans farther than we’ve gone before. In 2014, Orion completed a two-orbit, four-hour flight to test its systems. Looking forward, Orion will launch from the Space Launch System. The Space Launch System (SLS) is the world’s most powerful rocket. Wow! In a series … Continue reading Blog 6: Orion and the Space Launch System Continue reading

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Blog 5: Enceladus’ Ocean

One of Saturn’s moons, we discussed in class interesting details of Enceladus. The most notable of these is the geysers of water and the potential subsurface ocean. Methane found among other particles in the water vapor plume have led researchers to consider a subsurface ocean as the origin of this methane. Because of the high … Continue reading Blog 5: Enceladus’ Ocean Continue reading

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Blog 4: Experience Curiosity

NASA’s Experience Curiosity web application allows viewers to go inside the Curiosity Rover’s mission. Viewers can explore Mars by leading the rover around or learn more about the rover and the mission on guided tours. Experience Curiosity gives highlights of Curiosity’s exploration of the Pahrump Hills region on Mars. You can examine the Pink Cliffs … Continue reading Blog 4: Experience Curiosity Continue reading

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