Tag Archives: Uncategorized

The Militarization of Space: What We Know Might Scare You. What We Don’t Know is Probably Even Worse.

What do you think was the first man-made object in space? Who do you think launched that object? It may surprise you to find out that the first man-made object to reach space was a V-2 rocket launched by Nazi Germany in 1944. Fortunately, the Third Reich was defeated before their successes in rocketry could … Continue reading The Militarization of Space: What We Know Might Scare You. What We Don’t Know is Probably Even Worse. Continue reading

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The Sun in our Solar System

The Sun is a hottest star in the universe. The gravity holds the solar system together. It shines so brightly that the temperature of the sun is about 10,000 degrees Fahrenheit while temperatures of the core reaches abundant 27 million degrees Fahrenheit. The sun also orbits about 25,000 light-years from the galactic core. It is […] Continue reading

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Here’s a link to my 10th grade English blog   Continue reading

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A little big place

By me!My favorite website as mentioned on the first day of class is existentialcomics.com.

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Farewell, InSight Lander!

On Saturday, May 5, NASA is launching its newest Mars lander. The Mars InSight lander is set to arrive at Mars in November. This spacecraft is a first of its kind because it will be launched from the West Coast unlike other launches to Mars. More importantly, however, this lander is unique because it will … Continue reading “Farewell, InSight Lander!” Continue reading

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Enter The Hypolith

Hypoliths are photosynthetic bacteria that inhabit the desert. Despite the Namib desert in Namibia being one of the most extreme environments on Earth, hypoliths thrive under quartz rock under these harsh conditions. This desert can go years without rain and it is subject to constant solar radiation and scorching heat. With very little water and … Continue reading “Enter The Hypolith” Continue reading

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Bringing Colonialism to Space

“I’m certain success is one of the possible outcomes for establishing a self sustaining Mars colony, in fact a growing Mars colony. I’m certain that it’s possible.”  –Elon Musk “I believe that the long-term future of the human race must be in space.”  –Stephen Hawking “We want to go to space to save the Earth.” … Continue reading Bringing Colonialism to Space Continue reading

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MEET the home of E.T.?

Liquid water, energy and organic material. According to NASA’s director of planetary science, James Green, these are the major criteria needed for life to form. Green and the rest of his NASA colleagues have also identified four extraterrestrial worlds in our Solar System that hold particular potential for the possibility of life. These worlds encompass one … Continue reading MEET the home of E.T.? Continue reading

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Mass Extinction, Soon?

It’s no secret that that an asteroid impact 65 million years ago caused a chain of environmental disasters. Countless species were driven to extinction, evaporated by the impact, suffocated by volcanic ash, eradicated by the rapid climate change. It’s unlikely that we’ll ever have the technology to predict when the next extinction event will happen. […] Continue reading

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Mass Extinction, Soon?

It’s no secret that that an asteroid impact 65 million years ago caused a chain of environmental disasters. Countless species were driven to extinction, evaporated by the impact, suffocated by volcanic ash, eradicated by the rapid climate change. It’s unlikely that we’ll ever have the technology to predict when the next extinction event will happen. […] Continue reading

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