News 2008
Progress report on nation’s largest state-funded teacher performance pay program released
December 2008
NCPI’s director weighs in on the merits of teacher pay innovation in Georgia
September 2008
NCPI director interviewed on NPR’s All Things Considered
September 2008
NCPI’s directors speak at University of Arkansas
September 2008
NCPI’s research discussed in Christian Science Monitor
September 2008
NCPI director discusses TIF program in Education Week
August 2008
NCPI executive director quoted in Time Magazine
August 2008
NCPI director featured on CNN’s Lou Dobbs Tonight show
August 2008
NCPI director discusses implications of Denver’s ProComp struggles in Wall Street Journal
August 2008
NCPI director appointed to U.S. Department of Education round table
July 2008
American Education Finance Association elects NCPI researchers to its board
June 2008
NCPI affiliate presents at second Value-Added Measures conference in 2008
May 2008
Education Week covers National Conference on Value-Added Modeling
May 2008
NCPI researchers present at National Conference on Value-Added Modeling
April 2008
NCPI presents research at American Education Finance Association 2008 Conference
April 2008
NCPI Conference draws national experts on teacher performance pay
March 2008
NCPI affiliate secures funding for teacher pension research and conference
March 2008
NCPI’s evaluation efforts in Texas showcased in Education Week
March 2008
NCPI affiliate awarded AERA’s top dissertation award
March 2008
French education news outlet covers NCPI’s evaluation work in Texas
March 2008
NCPI’s Executive Director James Guthrie discusses landscape of performance pay in Education Week
March 2008
NCPI affiliate presents to the Middle Tennessee Chapter of the American Statistical Association
March 2008
Education Week discusses key issues under debate at NCPI’s first national conference
March 2008
NCPI’s director a featured guest on WHRV’s HearSay
March 2008
NCPI’s research in Florida informs performance pay debate
March 2008
Nashville Public Radio highlights NCPI’s inaugural research-to-policy conference
March 2008
Findings from NCPI affiliates’ evaluation of the Teacher Advancement Program featured in Education Week
February 2008
NCPI’s research on Florida’s Merit Award Program featured in Education Week
February 2008
Findings from NCPI’s first-year evaluation of Texas’ statewide incentive pay initiative featured in The Dallas Morning News
February 2008
Performance pay for teachers topic of national conference at Vanderbilt University Feb. 28-29
February 2008
NCPI researchers present to Texas Education Agency their year one evaluation report of Texas’ largest school-level performance incentive program
February 2008
NCPI director quoted in Hartford Courant article
February 2008
NCPI conference featured in Eduwonk blog
February 2008
NCPI director and national conference presenter featured in TIME
February 2008
NCPI Executive Director James Guthrie on NPR’s All Things Considered
January 2008
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