Home » Events » How Art Museums in Houston and Environs Prepared for Harvey and its Aftermath
How Art Museums in Houston and Environs Prepared for Harvey and its Aftermath
Posted by vrcvanderbilt on Thursday, August 31, 2017 in Events, HART, VRC.

How did museums throughout Houston and its surrounding area prepare for the Category 4 hurricane and the catastrophic flooding in its wake? And how are they dealing with, or preparing to deal with, its effects?
The Huffington Post (August 30, 2017) reached out to a variety of art institutions in the area, who graciously took the time to describe how they readied themselves for Harvey and what they plan to do after the storm subsides. Read more….
*Rothko Chapel, Houston
For more information, ARTnews has a webpage on the hurricane that “is being continuously updated with details about Harvey’s effects on Texas’s art community.”
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