Home » HART » Former Goldberg Lecturer John Ott Expresses Gratitude to HART Department
Former Goldberg Lecturer John Ott Expresses Gratitude to HART Department
Posted by vrcvanderbilt on Monday, August 27, 2018 in HART, Lectures, News, Vanderbilt University, VRC.
John Ott, professor of art history, James Madison University, paid tribute to Vanderbilt’s History of Art department in his article, “Hale Woodruff’s Antiprimitivist History of Abstract Art,” which appeared this spring in the Art Bulletin 100:1 (March 2018).
“I owe many individuals my warmest gratitude for their generous support of and incisive feedback on this project,” wrote Ott. “Rebecca VanDiver invited me to present this material as a Norman L. and Roselea J. Goldberg Lecture at Vanderbilt University, which netted productive commentary from her and her art history colleagues: Leonard Folgarait, Vivien Green Fryd, Christopher Johns, Kevin Murphy, and Betsey Robinson.”
Ott delivered the Goldberg Lecture at Vanderbilt on November 10, 2016. His lecture was entitled “Hale Woodruff’s Antiprimitivist History of Global Art.”
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