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Home » Digital Humanities » Explore Ancient Rome with Goldberg Lecturer Bernard Frischer in a Hands-on Workshop on October 11

Explore Ancient Rome with Goldberg Lecturer Bernard Frischer in a Hands-on Workshop on October 11

Posted by on Monday, October 8, 2018 in Digital Humanities, Events, HART, Lectures, News, Student/Alumni, Technology, Vanderbilt University, VRC.

Bernard Frischer, director of the Rome Reborn project and professor of informatics at Indiana University, will present “Rome Reborn VR: A Demonstration of Recently Published Applications,” a hands-on workshop (with lunch) held Thursday, October 11, from 12:30 to 2 pm in the History of Art’s Visual Resources Center, 134 Cohen Memorial Hall. Participants will be able to use the Oculus Go headset to try out the RomeRebornproject’s recently published applications, including “The Roman Forum” and “A Flight over the Ancient City.” Everyone is invited to have lunch and explore ancient Rome with us!

Following the workshop, Frischer, a leading virtual archaeologist,  will deliver the Norman L. and Roselea J. Goldberg Lecture at 4:10 pm in 203 Cohen Memorial Hall on the Peabody campus. Frischer, founding director of the Virtual World Heritage Laboratory, will bring ancient Rome back to life in his lecture, “Adventures in Digital Heritage,” with a reception to follow in the atrium.

“Bernie’s lecture—on intersections between digital humanities and cultural heritage—covers ground on which we are all working closely these days,” said Betsey Robinson, acting chair and associate professor of history of art. “The lecture will also serve as our HART Alumni/Reunion event, with a reception to follow, so hopefully this will provide us a chance to catch up with each other as well as former students.”


On October 10 Frischer and sculptor Alan LeQuire, known for his monumental sculpture of  Athena Parthenos in the Nashville Parthenon, joined Professor Betsey Robinson’s Digital Heritage: Methods and Practice class for a roundtable with students at the Center for Digital Humanities. They discussed their methods for reconstructing the Athena Parthenos both virtually and physically.


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