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Robert Barsky: Dada Hitchhikes a Ride to America! Lecture on Tuesday, April 4

Robert Barsky, professor of English and chair of department of French and Italian, will discuss the Beat Generation’s affinity for all things Dada in a talk to be held on Tuesday, April 4, at 5:30 pm in Cohen Memorial Hall, room 203. Barsky will offer examples from the poetry, songs, and general comportment of Allen…

Posted by on April 3, 2017 in Events, Fine Arts Gallery, HART, Lectures, VRC

Kim Shelton to Address Nemea and the Panhellenic Sanctuary of Zeus at the March 30 AIA Lecture

Kim Shelton, associate professor of classics and director of the Nemea Center for Classical Archaeology, University of California, Berkeley, will deliver the Archaeology Institute of America lecture entitled “Nemea and the Panhellenic Sanctuary of Zeus,” on Thursday, March 30, at 6 pm in the Nashville Parthenon. Shelton will present the Sanctuary of Zeus at Nemea…

Posted by on March 29, 2017 in Events, HART, Lectures, VRC


Stanley Abe to Address Duplication in Chinese Sculpture in the March 23 Goldberg Lecture

In China, identical sets of figures, serial images, replications in archaic styles, and later copies were produced over a long period of time. New works were provided with ancient inscriptions; old objects could be inscribed anew. In modern times forgeries meant to deceive collectors proliferated. Duplication was integral to the production of sculpture from ancient…

Posted by on March 18, 2017 in HART, Lectures, VRC

Lynne Lancaster Examines Unique Building Technique in Roman North Africa for March 16 AIA Lecture

Lynne Lancaster, professor of classics and world religions at Ohio University, will address “Out of Africa: How Roman Olive Oil Production Created Architectural Innovation” in an Archaeological Institute of America lecture scheduled for Thursday, March 16, at 6 pm at the Nashville Parthenon. Lancaster will examine a building technique used in Roman North Africa for…

Posted by on March 14, 2017 in HART, Lectures, VRC


Fine Arts Gallery Exhibit on Dada and the Continuing Allure of Anti-Art Opens Thursday, March 16

Recognizing the centenary and far-reaching importance of a pivotal modern art movement, the Vanderbilt University Fine Arts Gallery has partnered with Vanderbilt’s W.T. Bandy Center for Baudelaire and Modern French Studies to present The Dada Effect: An Anti-Aesthetic and Its Influence, an exhibition that will be on view from March 16 through May 27. An…

Posted by on March 14, 2017 in Events, Fine Arts Gallery, HART, Lectures, VRC


Premodern Cultural Studies Seminar to Host Elizabeth Moodey’s Talk on February 15 at the Humanities Center

John the Fearless, Duke of Burgundy, justified the 1407 assassination of his rival, Louis of Orleans, with a contest of emblematic beasts. Elizabeth Moodey, associate professor of the history of art, will address “The Duke of Burgundy as Political Animal” on Wednesday, February 15, from 12 noon to 2:00 pm in the seminar room of…

Posted by on February 13, 2017 in HART, Lectures, VRC

Expert on Nazi Looted Art to Present Lecture on Tuesday, January 24

The aftermath of Nazi plunder during Hitler’s regime, especially during World War II, still lingers more than 70 years later. Efforts to find looted art and return it to its rightful owners continue on both sides of the Atlantic. David Glasser, chairman and executive director of the Ben Uri Gallery and Museum of Art in…

Posted by on January 20, 2017 in Events, HART, Lectures, VRC

Leonard Folgarait Shares His Expertise in French Art and Architecture with Alumni in Houston and Paris

The Houston Museum of Fine Arts provided the perfect setting for a recent Commodore Classroom. Leonard Folgarait, Distinguished Professor of History of Art, joined the Houston Vanderbilt Chapter to discuss the work of Edgar Degas and to tour the museum’s exhibit Degas: A New Vision. Beverly Barrett, BS’97, who keenly recalls taking Folgarait’s Modern Architecture…

Posted by on January 18, 2017 in Events, HART, Lectures, Student/Alumni, VRC


Marilyn Murphy’s Exhibition Opens January 19 in Fine Arts Gallery with a Surreal Twist on Reality

In honor of Department of Art professor and artist Marilyn Murphy, who retires this year after 37 years of teaching, the Vanderbilt Fine Arts Gallery will feature many of her oil paintings and drawings in an exhibition entitled Marilyn Murphy—Realism Subverted. The opening reception is Thursday, January 19, from 4:30 to 6:30 pm in the…

Posted by on January 16, 2017 in Events, Fine Arts Gallery, HART, Lectures, VRC

Vivien Fryd to Lecture on Andy Warhol’s Prints at the Portland Museum of Art

The Portland-area Vanderbilt Alumni Club has invited Vivien Fryd, professor of history of art, to lecture on Andy Warhol’s prints currently on view at the Portland Museum of Art. The event is scheduled for Saturday, December 10, and the exhibition, Andy Warhol: Prints from the Collections of Jordan D. Schnitzer and His Family Foundation, is…

Posted by on December 5, 2016 in Events, HART, Lectures, Student/Alumni, VRC

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