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Vivien Fryd to Lecture on Henry Ries at Symposium Held in May

Vivien Green Fryd, professor of history of art, will present a paper next month at the Critical Topography Symposium, Trent University, Peterborough, and Ryerson University, Toronto. Fryd, niece of the New York Times photographer Henry Ries (1917-2004) will address the topic Henry Ries’ Photographs of the Brandenburg Gate, 1937-1981: Collective Trauma, Struggle, and Identity. Ries,…

Posted by on April 13, 2015 in Events, HART, Lectures, VRC

HART Student Research Symposium Slated for Thursday, April 16

Graduating seniors and history of art majors Jodi Chamberlain, Jessica DeAngelo, Clee Malfitano, and Holly McKee are the featured speakers at the fourth annual Student Research Symposium on Thursday, April 16, at 4:10 p.m. in Cohen Hall 203. A reception in the atrium will immediately follow the symposium. Paper topics include San Vitale and Its…

Posted by on April 13, 2015 in Events, HART, Lectures, Student/Alumni, VRC

Leonard Folgarait Part of Flexner Dean’s Lecture on April 14

The Flexner Dean’s Lecture, “Memento Mori: Clinical and Historical Readings on Death in Art,” will be held on Tuesday, April 14, from noon to 1 p.m. in 208 Light Hall in the Vanderbilt University Medical Center. The lecture will be an interdisciplinary conversation on close readings led by John Sergent, professor of medicine, Leonard Folgarait,…

Posted by on April 13, 2015 in Events, Fine Arts Gallery, HART, Lectures, VRC

Tara Zanardi to Present Goldberg Lecture on Thursday, April 9

Tara Zanardi, assistant professor of art history at Hunter College, will present the Norman L. and Roselea J. Goldberg Lecture in Art History on Thursday, April 9, at 4:10 p.m. in 203 Cohen Hall. Her lecture is entitled “Porcelain Pleasures and the Allure of the East: Charles III and China,” with a reception to follow…

Posted by on April 6, 2015 in Events, HART, Lectures, VRC

Workshop to Explore Difference in Asian Buddhist Traditions

Buddhist traditions—in all their diversity—-have been formed through processes of exchange, negotiation, and contestation in the face of perceived difference. These perceptions have existed both among individuals identifying as Buddhist (with regard to sectarian distinctions) and in situations when Buddhists encountered other religious traditions. “Networks and Religious Difference in Asian Buddhist Traditions” is the focus…

Posted by on April 2, 2015 in Events, HART, Lectures, VRC

Minku Kim to Address Sŏkkuram in a Eurasian Context on April 2

Minku Kim, assistant professor of art history, University of Minnesota, will deliver a lecture entitled “Sŏkkuram in a Eurasian Context” on Thursday, April 2, at 4:10 pm in Cohen Memorial Hall 203. Sŏkkuram (literally, “Stone Grotto Chapel”) is a mid-8th century lapidary Buddhist sanctuary near Kyŏngju, South Korea, created during the Unified Silla period (668-935…

Posted by on March 30, 2015 in HART, Lectures, VRC

Late Antiquity Seminar Announces Kate Cooper’s March 27 Lecture

The Robert Penn Warren Center’s seminar on Late Antiquity announces a lecture by Kate Cooper, professor of ancient history at the University of Manchester (UK), on Friday, March 27, at 4:00 pm in room 122 of the Divinity School. Cooper’s lecture is entitled “Virgins, Mothers, and Martyrs: Women in Early Christian Africa.” Cooper will discuss…

Posted by on March 25, 2015 in Events, HART, Lectures, VRC

Katherine Rinne to Present Goldberg Lecture on March 12

Between 1560 and 1630, in a dramatic burst of urban renewal activity, the religious and civil authorities of Rome sponsored the construction of aqueducts, private and public fountains for drinking, washing, and industry, and the grand ceremonial fountains that are the Eternal City’s glory. Urban designer and historian Katherine Rinne, adjunct professor in the Architecture…

Posted by on March 4, 2015 in Events, HART, Lectures, VRC

Tara Zanardi’s Goldberg Lecture Rescheduled for April 9

Tara Zanardi, assistant professor of art history at Hunter College, will present the Norman L. and Roselea J. Goldberg Lecture in Art History on Thursday, April 9, at 4:10 p.m. in 203 Cohen Hall. The lecture, originally slated for Thursday, February 19, has been cancelled due to inclement weather. Zanardi will address “Porcelain Pleasures and…

Posted by on February 18, 2015 in Events, HART, Lectures, VRC

Malcolm Bell to Examine the Sicily of Archimedes on February 26

Malcolm Bell III, professor emeritus of Greek art and archaeology with the McIntire Department of Art, University of Virginia, will deliver an Archaeological Institute of America lecture on Thursday, February 26, at 6 pm at the Nashville Parthenon in Centennial Park. In his lecture, entitled “Sicily in the Age of Archimedes,” Bell will examine works…

Posted by on February 13, 2015 in HART, Lectures, VRC

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