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David Jianwei Zhang to Present Digital Humanities Lecture on March 27

In 2016 Peking University established its own Experimental Teaching Center for Virtual Reality and Simulation in Archaeology. Faculty and students in Peking University’s Department of Cultural Heritage Studies are now systematically investigating and documenting historical buildings in China using such technologies as panoramic photography, photogrammetry, and 3D scanning. They hope to incorporate these technologies in…

Posted by on March 21, 2018 in Digital Humanities, Events, HART, Lectures, News, Technology, VRC


Fine Arts Gallery Opening March 23 with “America Creative: Portraits by Everett Raymond Kinstler”

Portraits of leaders in the arts, painted by one of their own, are the focus of the Vanderbilt Fine Arts Gallery whose latest exhibit, America Creative: Portraits by Everett Raymond Kinstler, showcases the storytelling skill of the country’s foremost living portraitist and celebrates a generation of creativity.The exhibit opens with a gallery reception from 5…

Posted by on March 20, 2018 in Events, Fine Arts Gallery, HART, Lectures, News


Maxwell Anderson at the Frist March 22: Modern Challenges in Ancient Art

Maxwell Anderson, consulting scholar, Mediterranean Section, University of Pennsylvania Museum of Archaeology and Anthropology, will address “Modern Challenges in Ancient Art” in a lecture held on Thursday, March 22, at 6:30 pm in the Frist Center Auditorium, 919 Broadway. The exhibition Rome: City and Empire at the Frist Center for the Visual Arts, on view through…

Posted by on March 15, 2018 in Events, HART, HART in Nashville, Lectures, News, VRC


March 20 AIA Lecture at the Parthenon to Address Effects of Ancient and Modern Warfare on Civilizations

In an AIA lecture at 6 pm on Tuesday, March 20, at the Nashville Parthenon, Brian Rose, James B. Pritchard Professor of Mediterranean Archaeology, University of Pennsylvania, and Katherine Schwab, professor of visual and performing arts, Fairfield University, will jointly address the theme of  “Ancient Wars and Modern Conflicts.” They will discuss the effects of…

Posted by on March 15, 2018 in Events, HART, Lectures, News, VRC

Cultures in Clay Lecture and Cuneiform Workshop Held February 21-22 at the Divinity School

Andrea Seri, professor of ancient history, Universidad Nacional de Córdoba, will present a lecture entitled Tradition, Past and Present:The Appointment of King Nabonidus’ Daughter as an Entu-priestess on Wednesday, February 21, at 4:10 pm in the Divinity School Reading Room. On Thursday, February 22, Seri will lead a workshop on working with cuneiform tablets that…

Posted by on February 21, 2018 in Divinity School, Events, HART, Lectures, News, VRC


February 20 AIA Lecture Features Mireille Lee and Katherine Schwab on the Erechtheion Caryatids

Although the Parthenon is the most famous building of the ancient Acropolis, the Erechtheion was the most sacred, housing multiple cult places and shrines. The famous Caryatid porch, which employed six statues of ideal maidens as architectural supports, is the most distinctive–and enigmatic–part of the building. In an AIA lecture on Tuesday, February 20, at…

Posted by on February 14, 2018 in Events, HART, Lectures, News, VRC


Christopher Johns to Present Paper at Eighteenth-Century Symposium February 3 at UNC Chapel Hill

Christopher Johns, Norman L. and Roselea J. Goldberg Professor of History of Art, will present a paper titled “A Villa Fit for Two Queens: Female Royal Patronage in Early Eighteenth-Century Turin” on February 3 as part of the Bettie Allison Rand Symposium in Art History held at the Ackland Art Museum at the University of…

Posted by on February 1, 2018 in Conferences, Events, HART, Lectures, News, VRC


Black Mountain College Symposium Keynote and Performance Held in Cohen Hall on February 1

Vanderbilt’s Department of Art and the Wond’ry present Chance Operations: Art and Education at Black Mountain College, a two-day interdisciplinary symposium (February 1-2) that will examine the contemporary relevance of Black Mountain College’s immersive teaching models on art, design, and education. Artists, curators, students and educators from various disciplines will illuminate Black Mountain’s unique pedagogical approach…

Posted by on January 30, 2018 in Conferences, Events, Fine Arts Gallery, HART, Lectures, News, VRC


Architectural Historian Lisa Reilly to Deliver Goldberg Lecture on February 15

Lisa Reilly, associate professor of medieval art and architecture, University of Virginia, will deliver the Norman L. and Roselea J. Goldberg Lecture in Art History on Thursday, February 15, at 4:10 pm in 203 Cohen Memorial Hall.  Her presentation is titled “The Multilingual Mediterranean: The Cappella Palatina in Palermo and the Court of Roger II,”…

Posted by on January 30, 2018 in Events, HART, Lectures, News, VRC


Vivien Fryd Addresses “Heroic Rape” Tradition in Western Art at Parthenon Symposium on January 25

Vivien Green Fryd, professor of history of art, will address the tradition in western art that contemporary feminist artists have dubbed the “heroic rape” in a lecture at 6 pm on January 25 at the Nashville Parthenon. Her lecture, “Representing and Challenging the ‘Heroic Rape’ Tradition in the History of Western Art,” is held in…

Posted by on January 23, 2018 in Events, HART, HART in Nashville, Lectures, News, VRC

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