Monthly Archives: January 2016

Human’s Fascination of the Solstices

If there was one thing that early humans revered most, it may have been the position of the Sun.  Ancient cultures around the world, before the first cities ever existed, built monuments to measure the Sun’s position (known as archaeoastronomy).  The most famous of which is Stonehenge in England, which has its entrances aligned to […] Continue reading

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Light Travel: The “New” Hyperspace

We’ve read it in our beloved science fiction books. Superheroes and intelligent beings from other worlds harness massive amounts of energy and cross through different dimensions – traveling faster than the speed of light. It’s the kind of thing space-obsessed kids (and adults, alike) dream about. We dedicate movies, like “2001: A Space Odyssey,” directed […] Continue reading

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The Universe Online

This class and lab last semester have taught me how easy it is to examine the sky above us. Previously, I had always thought that learning about space would necessitate daunting instruments and advanced calculations, but technology has allowed normal people to examine the great expanse of space.   Stellarium is by far my favorite … Continue reading “The Universe Online” Continue reading

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The Unfathomably Large Universe

Traveling at the speed light, man would reach the moon in one second. Traveling at the speed of light man would reach the outer planets in one year. Not too bad right? Intergalactic travel appears to be practical at light speed right? Wrong. The first and most problematic issue of interstellar travel is that man […] Continue reading

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The Cosmic Calendar

For my first blog, I wanted to discuss the Cosmic Calendar. Often times in our life we think of our lifespans as quite long. Especially when compared to our ancestors of a few hundreds to thousands of years ago, we are long surpassing their lifespans. However, compared to the lifespan of the universe, we are […] Continue reading

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Consequences of a Constant Speed of Light

I find it fascinating that what we see in the night sky is an image from the past.  Since nothing moves faster than the speed of light it is impossible to know what is going on at this exact moment on places other than the Earth and the Moon.  Hypothetically, the Sun could suddenly explode […] Continue reading

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Consequences of a Constant Speed of Light

I find it fascinating that what we see in the night sky is an image from the past.  Since nothing moves faster than the speed of light it is impossible to know what is going on at this exact moment on places other than the Earth and the Moon.  Hypothetically, the Sun could suddenly explode […] Continue reading

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Lightspeed, Cosmic speedlimits, and Looking into the Past (Part 1)

In my last post, I made it a point to say that I would try to keep my blog interesting. In light of that decision (I didn’t even notice this pun until I already had this entire post typed up, so this one’s not on me), and because the winter makes me long for the […] Continue reading

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Ancient Astronomers and the Zodiac

  We’ve learned that the zodiac constellations are connected to the position of the Sun as it moves along its path. The sun spends about a month closest to each of these constellations, or “in” the constellation, and then moves on to the next. Ancient Greek and Babylonian people groups named the constellations and defined …

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Ancient Astronomers and the Zodiac

  We’ve learned that the zodiac constellations are connected to the position of the Sun as it moves along its path. The sun spends about a month closest to each of these constellations, or “in” the constellation, and then moves on to the next. Ancient Greek and Babylonian people groups named the constellations and defined […] Continue reading

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