Monthly Archives: February 2016

The Egyptian Senmut Star Map

The Ancient Egyptians made significant contributions to the field of astronomy. These ancient anstonomers were able to predict solar eclipses based on the passage of the moon between the Sun and Earth during the daytime. The Egyptians developed calendars and star clocks that kept time based on celestial movement. Senmut, the grand vizier of Egypt in …

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The Egyptian Senmut Star Map

The Ancient Egyptians made significant contributions to the field of astronomy. These ancient anstonomers were able to predict solar eclipses based on the passage of the moon between the Sun and Earth during the daytime. The Egyptians developed calendars and star clocks that kept time based on celestial movement. Senmut, the grand vizier of Egypt in […] Continue reading

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Tycho Brahe in a Historical Context

  Tycho Brahe, a historically famous and important astronomer, was born on December 14, 1546 and died on October 24, 1601. During his lifetime, two important events occurred: The Counter Reformation (1562): This was a period of Catholic resurgence that occurred as a response to the Protestant Reformation. It was an attempt to return Catholicism to … Continue reading Tycho Brahe in a Historical Context Continue reading

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Isaac Newton in Context

Newton was important because he formulated the laws of gravity, which are crucial for understanding planetary motion. These explained orbits, the tides, and many other things about Astronomy. He also came up with his three laws of motion, which are extremely important in Physics. Source New Amsterdam was taken over by the British and renamed […] Continue reading

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Historical Astronomers in Context

Isaac Newton (December 25, 1642 to March 20, 1727) discovered the laws of motion and universal gravity which are still taught in introductory physics classes today. These principles allowed him to demonstrate that the physical laws that operate on Earth also operate … Continue reading Continue reading

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Hypatia – Historical Astronomers in Context (repost)

<note to students: I went farther than you need to because no one can use Hypatia as their historical figure> Hypatia was the first woman KNOWN to contribute to mathematics and science.  Her father, Theon of Alexandria, was a well-known academic and taught his daughter to follow in his footsteps.  Remarkably, she was the head […] Continue reading

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