Monthly Archives: March 2016

Solar Storms

Who knew there were actually storms on the surface of the earth? Well, they aren’t the storms that we are used on earth. Actually, they are quite different. Storms on the sun occur when magnetic fields throughout the sun passing through sun spots and prominences spontaneously shift dramatically. The most known of these storms are […] Continue reading

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Are We Alone in the Universe?

And why does that question seem to be so hard to answer? Our universe is vast. There’s no doubt about that. And statistically, we should be able to find life in some way, shape, or form somewhere in the seemingly endless cosmos. For every grain of sand on Earth, there are ten thousand stars in … Continue reading Are We Alone in the Universe? Continue reading

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The Pock-Marked Sun God

Sunspots are areas on the Sun that appear darker compared to their surroundings because they are cooler than the areas around them. This does not mean that the spots are actually cold, but relative to the 5800K temperature of the rest of the Sun, sunspots are much cooler at 4000K. Magnetic fields prevent the hotter …

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The Pock-Marked Sun God

Sunspots are areas on the Sun that appear darker compared to their surroundings because they are cooler than the areas around them. This does not mean that the spots are actually cold, but relative to the 5800K temperature of the rest of the Sun, sunspots are much cooler at 4000K. Magnetic fields prevent the hotter […] Continue reading

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Coronal Mass Ejections and You

A coronal mass ejection (CME) is a massive outburst of Sun matter interweaved with magnetic field lines. This Sun matter basically consists of superheated particles accelerated at millions of miles per hour. This ejection isn’t self-contained, a lot of this stuff just goes shooting into space. This wouldn’t be so bad in of itself, except […] Continue reading

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Nuclear Fusion in the Sun

At the core of the Sun, and every other Sun like star, a process called fusion takes place. Fusion describes a process where light elements, such as hydrogen, get fused together to form heavier elements, like helium. Fusion happens due to the intense pressure of gravity acting on the suns mass. A byproduct of this […] Continue reading

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Space Bubbles AKA Quantum Foam

Spacetime is often described as a “fabric”, but there is one theory that would describe it as more like sea foam- made of a bunch of tiny bubbles. This is the quantum foam theory. The quantum foam theory basically came into existence to try and unite Einstein’s theory of relativity and quantum mechanics, something that […] Continue reading

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Climate Change

Climate change is unfortunately vastly overlooked as a serious threat to our species today. NASA itself has a detailed list on its website devoted to the current evidence of climate change. The list includes the following phenomena: Sea level rise Global temperature rise Warming oceans Shrinking ice sheets Declining Arctic sea ice Glacial retreat Extreme …

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Climate Change

Climate change is unfortunately vastly overlooked as a serious threat to our species today. NASA itself has a detailed list on its website devoted to the current evidence of climate change. The list includes the following phenomena: Sea level rise Global temperature rise Warming oceans Shrinking ice sheets Declining Arctic sea ice Glacial retreat Extreme […] Continue reading

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Pedagogy Seminar- Week 7

Kelsey  Hey guys! It’s been a while. I’d like to direct this blog towards a more broad perspective –at least more broad than: “Why was that chapter relevant to our course?” With our final project ideas in mind, I think it makes sense to look at the application of different tactics by Dr. G in […] Continue reading

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