Monthly Archives: April 2016

Quantum Entanglenment

  Quantum entanglement is a central principle of quantum physics that says some particles, like photons or electrons, are linked together so that the state of one particle cannot be described independently of the other. Another central principle of quantum theory is that before a particle is measured, it doesn’t have a definite state but… More Quantum Entanglenment Continue reading

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Another Step Toward the Stars

Unless you missed it somehow, you’ll know that today Elon Musk’s company Space X successfully landed a reusable rocket on a drone ship in the ocean. This rocket returned from space immediately after detaching from the supply ship headed toward the International Space Station. This is an important feat since it means so much less …

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Another Step Toward the Stars

Unless you missed it somehow, you’ll know that today Elon Musk’s company Space X successfully landed a reusable rocket on a drone ship in the ocean. This rocket returned from space immediately after detaching from the supply ship headed toward the International Space Station. This is an important feat since it means so much less […] Continue reading

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Creation of the Kuiper Belt

Recently in class we’ve been talking about the outer portion of our Solar System. Beyond Neptune lies the Kuiper Belt, the disc-shaped region that begins at about 30 AUs and ends around 55 AUs. The Kuiper Belt is home to hundreds of thousands of icy bodies, an estimated trillion or more comets, and Pluto, according to… More Creation of the Kuiper Belt Continue reading

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Mars One Timeline

Next year, the astronauts of Mars One are expected to begin their decade-long training before the first set of four astronauts departs for Mars in 2026. I decided to investigate a bit further into the details of the plan outlined for Mars One as a whole between now and then…. 2017: Training begins! Hopefully the […] Continue reading

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Volcanic Io

Volcanoes are one of the coolest geographical features of Earth (in my opinion), but volcanoes outside of our world are even cooler. Jupiter’s moon Io is the most volcanically active world in our solar system – in other words, it is FULL of volcanic awesome-ness. Io’s volcanic activity produces HUGE volcanic plumes. To give some […] Continue reading

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Rouge Planet- The Lost Ones

Unbound to any parent star, lacking both a  sunrise and sunset, and  wandering the galaxy freely, Rouge planets are believed to outnumber the stars in our galaxy 100,000 to 1.  Yes for every star there is 100,000 rogue planets that were forcefully ejected out of its parents star’s grace by a larger and more needy sibling […] Continue reading

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A Dance to Remember

Twice now our class has been introduced to the Kepler Orrery IV model, and both times the question of why our solar system seems to be such an oddball has crossed my mind. Based on the Kepler Orrery IV model, planets much larger than Earth should  be orbiting closer than the orbit of Mercury. So […] Continue reading

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A better understanding of our Universe… and maybe aliens

captain’s blog, Stardate 69734.8 In class, we’ve been talking a lot about extrasolar planets, that is, planets that have too many suns. But actually, extrasolar planets, or exoplanets are planets that exist outside our Solar System. Exoplanets are fascinating to learn about because, as much as I love our Solar System, it’s good to get away from […] Continue reading

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Where did all the dinosaurs go?

I think one of the more fascinating topics in Earth’s past is the mystery of the dinosaurs. They were here 65 million years ago (for a shockingly long time—if you remember, they were here for almost a week in the “calendar” of the universe!) and then suddenly disappeared. So, what happened to them? It is […] Continue reading

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