Monthly Archives: February 2017

Looking Through a Historical Lens

Much of science is the act of investigating phenomena and elaborating on such investigations done by others. This is an incredibly difficult task to accomplish with modern technology. Incredibly though, there is a great source of proof to show that many peoples of the past were able to make some form of astronomical discoveries and […] Continue reading

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Music City Eclipse 2017

As many of you heard, there will be a Total Solar Eclipse in Nashville, TN on August 21st, 2017. “It is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, because it is the first total solar eclipse to happen in the United States in 99 years,” – We can see a solar eclipse from the Earth when the Moon moves […] Continue reading

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The Key Effortless Self-improvement

We’d all probably like to believe that astrology is real so we can identify with the redeeming qualities of our own sign and to hold fast to promising horoscopes. However, zodiac signs are not only false because of their vagueness, which allows each sign to at least partially relate to every human, but also due to […] Continue reading

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Blog 3: NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day

This image was captured by Juno as clouds swirl around southern Jupiter. Juno is a spacecraft which was launched aboard an Atlas V-551 rocket from Cape Canaveral, Florida, on August 5, 2011 and arrive to its starting location near Jupiter in the past July. as of the past 11 days it has finished its elliptical […] Continue reading

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The successor to the Hubble Space Telescope

The Hubble Space Telescope has been delivering high-quality, in-depth images of the universe for almost three decades and has been critical in several astronomy discoveries, such as the rate of expansion of the universe. However, NASA is now planning to fully launch the James Webb Space Telescope in 2018 as the scientific successor to the […] Continue reading

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New Horizons

Way out on the edge of our Solar System, in the Kuiper Belt, lies an object that has held our fascination since 1930. Pluto! … More Continue reading

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Finding the Way with the Stars

    It is amazing for me to think about the human race finding their way before the invention of the modern GPS. While Google Maps and Waze are modern conveniences accessible to all with a smartphone, the sky has a long standing tradition of helping people find their way. In ancient times, sailors would… Continue reading Finding the Way with the Stars Continue reading

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Orientation Shift

According to my horoscope today, I’m motivated to complete a project I’ve left unfinished and I should approach my tasks one at a time. In reality, I have three piles of unfinished laundry and a to-do list a mile long with no desire to do any of it. My horoscope for the day could be […] Continue reading

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Fun Facts about Telescopes

FUN FACT 1: Galileo is often created as the inventor of the telescope when in fact he was simply the first to use it to study the night sky. The first known practical telescopes were invented in the Netherlands at the beginning of the 1600s, by using glass lenses. They found use in both terrestrial […] Continue reading

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Gravity in Space?

Videos of astronauts floating around inside space shuttles have led many to believe that gravity does not exist in space. However, this is simply not true. While the force of gravity affects, for example, astronauts who are orbiting the Earth in the International Space Station differently than it affects us, it still exists in space, […] Continue reading

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