Monthly Archives: April 2017

The Politics of Space

While we think the works of scientific groups who strive to understand our universe can operate regardless of our political … More Continue reading

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Tardigrades: Unusual Astronauts

Tardigrades, or water bears, are microscopic organisms that have been studied for years for their extreme resilience to potentially harmful conditions. They require a thin layer of water to do anything- eating, moving, reproducing, etc. They are found all over the Earth, however, including in some of the driest environments on the planet. They are […] Continue reading

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Life Outside Earth: Are we alone?

  Ah, aliens. The beings of science fiction movies. The topic of many a conspiracy theory. Many have doubted their existence, but in all likelihood, they are real. It is highly improbable that humans here on Earth are the first form of technology producing life in the Milky Way Galaxy. With today’s technology, thousands of… Continue reading Life Outside Earth: Are we alone? Continue reading

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Cool Kuiper Belt Objects

Way out past Neptune lies the Kuiper Belt. The most famous and one of the largest Kuiper Belt objects is … More Continue reading

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Solar Neutrinos

How do we know what is happening inside our beloved Sun? We can study the Sun’s interior through three different ways and one of them is through observations of solar neutrinos produced by the nuclear fusion that power the Sun. The nuclear fusion of proton and proton in the Sun produce deuterium, positron, neutrino that is responsible for almost 100% of … Continue reading Solar Neutrinos Continue reading

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Why do comets have tails?

Generally, comets got kicked out from their home which are the Oort Cloud and the Kuiper Belt. This phenomena occur due to the pull of the gravity by planets or stars. Then, their journey of growing tails begin by moving toward the inner solar system. Far from the Sun, small comets look the same as small asteroids, completely … Continue reading Why do comets have tails? Continue reading

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Building a Planet 101

Step 1: A Solar Nebula To build your very own solar system, you will need to start out with a solar nebula – a colossal cloud of “star stuff” recycled from dying stars. It should consist mostly of hydrogen, about 1% hydrogen compounds (“ice”), and less than 1% consisting of rock and metal. It should look something like […] Continue reading

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Here’s Some Information About Pluto So It Feels Less Rejected

While Earthlings seem to have a general adoration (borderline obsession) with the personified Pluto, the planet itself does present several scientific marvels and interests. One such fascinating feature of Pluto is in it’s region known as Sputnik Planum. This weirdly smooth section of the planet is segmented into cellular units, and a proposed reason for… Continue reading Here’s Some Information About Pluto So It Feels Less Rejected Continue reading

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Jupiter’s Storms

On a world where the entire surface and most of the atmosphere are composed of dense, fast-moving clouds, you can imagine that the storms are slightly worse than our regular terrestrial thunderstorm. Of course, the most famous of Jupiter’s maelstroms is the Great Red Spot, aptly named for its blue color (kidding) and impressive diameter, […] Continue reading

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The Sun Is Going To Kill Us

As nuclear fusion depletes a star’s hydrogen supply throughout the phases of stellar evolution, a spherical shell of hydrogen will … More Continue reading

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