Daily Archives: January 31, 2021


Hello! My name is Adison Fields and welcome to my astronomy blog! I am a sophomore at Vanderbilt and am majoring in math. I had Dr. G for the astronomy 1010 lab last semester and thought it was so cool, so I am really looking forward to this class as well! Here is a linkContinue reading “Introduction” Continue reading

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Hi! This is my introductory post. I am a sophomore majoring in Computer Engineering. I am not the most knowledgeable about astronomy but am very excited to take this class and further my understanding with everyone. Here is a link to the aggregate blog. Continue reading

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Hey you guys, my name is Derrick Chen and I am a sophomore studying Computer Science and Economics. I’m from Brentwood Tennessee, which is just 15 minutes south of Nashville. In case you’re interested, here’s a link to the high school I attended: <a href=”Brentwood High / Homepage (wcs.edu)“>Brentwood High School</a> Continue reading

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Hi everyone! My name is Peter, and I am a sophomore at Vanderbilt. I am currently planning on majoring in Economics and minoring in Psychology and English. I am really looking forward to this class and learning more about astronomy. Also, I like photography, so here is a picture I took of some penguins oneContinue reading “introduction” Continue reading

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Introductory Post

Hello everyone! My name is Michael Dobson and I am a junior Computer Engineer from Ridgefield, Connecticut. This is the first astronomy class I have taken at Vandy and am looking forward to learning more about the Solar System with Dr. G. Since I’m sure this is many of my classmate’s first time taking astronomy,Continue reading “Introductory Post” Continue reading

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Hello Friends!

My name is Mykayla, and this is my introductory post to my astroblog. I am a first-year at Vanderbilt University, and this semester I am taking Dr. G’s ASTR 2110 “Solar Systems” class. I am excited about this blog, as I am obsessed with the heavens and this gives me an outlet to talk aboutContinue reading “Hello Friends!” Continue reading

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This is me!

My name is Ally Worthington and I’m a junior at Vanderbilt studying math and economics. I am a competitive horseback rider (see above!) and I love cooking. My favorite dish to make is this pasta. I am looking forward to learning more astronomy through this course. Continue reading

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Hello everyone! My name is Olivia and I’m a first-year planning on majoring in Political Science with a potential minor in Sociology. I’ve always loved space and I am super excited to deepen my understanding of astronomy in this class! Here is a link to one of my favorite Star Wars characters, Shaak Ti. Continue reading

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Introductory Post

Lorenz in China, by Me Hello Everyone, My name is Lorenz Chen, and I am a sophomore in the College of Arts and Sciences. I am pursuing a psychology degree, but mostly just trying to graduate on time. Besides the occasional Veritasium video, I do not have much exposure to astronomy, so I hope IContinue reading “Introductory Post” Continue reading

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