Daily Archives: February 4, 2021

How big the Universe is, and What it is Full of

Almost daily I complain about how far the walk is from Sutherland House to Poke Bros. I think to myself “agh this campus is so big.” Big, of course, is relative to how long my strides are, and in reality the 1.6 miles I am away from Poke Bros is nothing. Right now the observableContinue reading “How big the Universe is, and What it is Full of” Continue reading

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The Earth, the Moon, and the Space In Between

Since space seems so far away to most of us humans, we can forget how truly massive the emptiness of space is. Space really is appropriately named, because so much of it is just that – empty space, nothing there. For example, let’s look at the distance between the Earth and the Moon. While theContinue reading “The Earth, the Moon, and the Space In Between” Continue reading

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An App to See the Stars

Have you ever looked up at the sky and wondered what constellation you were looking at? There are many tools out there to help you figure it out! One of them is SkyView Lite, an app offered on the Apple Store that identifies constellations for you and is free to download. Simply open the app […] Continue reading

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Christopher Columbus and The Blood Moon

Credit: Google Images “In 1492 Columbus sailed the ocean blue.” We all have heard of this popular rhyme in order to help us remember the voyage in which Christopher Columbus took on his journey to the New Americas. However, some fail to realize in history that Columbus very well may have never returned from thisContinue reading “Christopher Columbus and The Blood Moon” Continue reading

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Speed of Light Discussion

Physics behind Solar Sails, by Robert Miller I actually find the speed of light and the implications behind this physical constraint pretty interesting. Particularly, if light takes time to travel, everything we see is technically in the past. As covered in the lecture, the sunlight that we see is 8 minutes old. But if weContinue reading “Speed of Light Discussion” Continue reading

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The Zodiac & Precession

Do you know your sun sign? Well, even if you do, it’s probably wrong! Let me provide some background. The zodiac is a term for the 12 constellations found along the Sun’s ecliptic (a circle that represents the Sun’s apparent path through the constellations throughout the year), while your sun sign indicates what constellation the… Continue reading

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