Monthly Archives: February 2021

Eclipses and History

A seemingly everlasting problem historians run in to are exact dates. Since each ancient civilization had their own calendar and their own way of measuring time, it’s a challenge for historians to connect the dots between civilizations and produce an accurate timeline of human history on the Earth. However, historians have discovered the common denominatorContinue reading “Eclipses and History” Continue reading

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The Discovery of the Speed of Light

While Aristotle believed that light could travel instantaneously, the first experimental attempt to measure the speed of light came from Galileo Galilei in 1667. He placed two people with covered lights on the top of hills that were about a mile apart. The first person was instructed to uncover his light, and when the second … Continue reading The Discovery of the Speed of Light Continue reading

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Vastness of the Universe

The universe is astronomically big (cheesy pun). We live on Earth, which is in our solar system, which means that we orbit the Sun. Our Sun is just one star out of the millions upon millions of stars in our Milky Way galaxy. Our Milky Way is just one galaxy out of 30 or soContinue reading “Vastness of the Universe” Continue reading

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Extrasolar Planets: Are We Alone?

The age-old question: are we alone in the Universe? Humans from the beginning of time have looked out into the night sky and wondered this. I know I have. Astronomers have been searching endlessly for extraterrestrial life. The potential habitable worlds (as seen in the picture) are known as extrasolar planets. An extrasolar planet, alsoContinue reading “Extrasolar Planets: Are We Alone?” Continue reading

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A little over two weeks ago, we entered arguably one the thirteen coolest months of the zodiac: Aquarius. (Yes, we still love you Ophiuchus). But what does that really even mean? What is Aquarius? Well, as I am sure you can tell from the constellation, Aquarius is clearly a water-bearer. But it is also muchContinue reading “Astrolonomy?” Continue reading

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Leap 🐸 Year

I can’t be the only one that questioned why we would get an extra day and the Olympics every four years when I was younger. While this isn’t the time to discuss the Olympic schedule, this did provide me with a chance to discover the real reason February 29th pops up every four years. AsContinue reading “Leap 🐸 Year” Continue reading

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“He’s Such an Ophiuchus”: The Forgotten 13th Zodiac Sign

In 2016, NASA shared this image of the zodiac constellations. Within this picture, we see the twelve signs commonly talked about in astrology, but we also see the presence of a less-discussed zodiac member: Ophiuchus. According to CNN, Ophiuchus is one of the 13 members of the Babylonian zodiac. However, 13 zodiac signs did notContinue reading ““He’s Such an Ophiuchus”: The Forgotten 13th Zodiac Sign” Continue reading

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Ephemerides: An Astronomer’s Excel

From the first time I observed lunar eclipses to now understanding how they occur, I have always wondered how astronomers are able to predict every piece of information about them years in advance. Also, in the bigger picture, I did not know how astronomers knew where the planets and stars were in our Solar SystemContinue reading “Ephemerides: An Astronomer’s Excel” Continue reading

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The Speed of Light: Blasting Towards the Weighted Scales

Light travels at a speed of about 300,000 kilometers per second. At this speed, you could literally travel the circumference of the Earth 7 times in ONE second! The libra constellation is located approximately 40,000 light years away from earth. A light year is the distance traveled by light in a year (which is aboutContinue reading “The Speed of Light: Blasting Towards the Weighted Scales” Continue reading

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Ancient Interpretation of Solar Eclipses

In ancient Iraq, it was believed that a solar eclipse meant something awful was going to happen to the king or ruler. Ancient Mesopotamian astronomers could accurately determine when an eclipse would occur. When a solar eclipse was projected to happen, the court and priests would prepare for this event by planting a substitute kingContinue reading “Ancient Interpretation of Solar Eclipses” Continue reading

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