Monthly Archives: March 2023

The Future Spacecraft

With countless spacecraft having been launched throughout a long history of space exploration, what is next for NASA? Pictured above is a computer-rendered image of NASA’s Orion Spacecraft Looking to shoot beyond the Moon and delve into the nearly untapped knowledge of Mars, the Orion project is what’s next on NASA’s agenda, as they prepare […] Continue reading

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Hohmann Transfer Orbit

In Andy Weir’s The Martian, NASA plans to send a supply probe to Mars to save the stranded astronaut Mark Watney through what’s called the ‘Hohmann Transfer Orbit‘. What exactly is the Hohmann transfer orbit? And when the carrying capacity of rockets is limited, why does a probe following this orbit saves limited and precious […] Continue reading

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Earth and Us

I’ve always wondered how rare it is for Earth to exist and support life on it, and now I know that out of the billions of solar systems, Earth is the only planet we know of to support life on it currently. Earth had to be at just the right distance from the Sun for […] Continue reading

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Chelyabinsk event

On the morning of February 15, 2013, an undetected meteor the size of a six-story building exploded over the city of Chelyabinsk, Russia. At 20 meters long, it reached speeds of 60,000 km/h before detonating with the force of a 500-kiloton nuclear bomb. Witnesses saw a flash brighter than the Sun before hearing a delayed […] Continue reading

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Blog 3 – Nuclear Fusion

Nuclear fusion is the process of combining, or fusing, two or more small nuclei into a larger one, creating energy as a byproduct. Stars like the Sun constantly emit energy through nuclear fusion because their cores are filled with high-speed, hot plasma. More specifically, the Sun’s extremely hot core of 15 million K allows for […] Continue reading

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Olympus Mons

Currently the largest known volcano in the Solar System, Olympus Mons stands at a remarkable 25 km high, which is almost 3 times the height of Mount Everest, and is wide as Arizona. Compared to the largest active volcano on Earth, Mauna Loa, Olympus Mons is 100 times larger in volume, a seemingly odd feat […] Continue reading

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The Moon Illusion

We saw a really cool picture of the Moon during class that was taken when it was near the horizon with an ancient Greek temple in front of it. The Moon looked unusually large, and I wanted to know more. The reason for the Moon appearing much larger when it is rising and setting is […] Continue reading

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All About Aurorae

As the title suggests, our topic for today is Earth’s aurorae (pronounced auh-ror-eye). These stunning displays generally occur in two symmetrical oval rings about the planet’s far northern and southern regions–Earth’s magnetic north and south poles. When they happen in the north, aurorae are often referred to as the northern lights or Aurora Borealis. Likewise, […] Continue reading

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Will The City of Angels Join The Angels? (Los Angeles Tectonics)

Image Source: The media, especially in recent years, has depicted that in the foreseeable future Los Angeles might break off of California and sink into the Pacific Ocean. Not only that but they also allude to the idea that this doomsday for the City of Angels may be completely impromptu as well. It is […] Continue reading

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The Intersection of Religion and Science: God’s Plan

Image Source: Throughout history and into today the theories of religion and science have clashed, however, there is an idea about humanity that is bipartisan. While religion and science typically have different explanations of what may be working to create it, both dispute the existence of a free will. According to the theories of […] Continue reading

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