Category Archives: Historical

Space Computers in Space

Hello friends, For my last blog post for ASTR 2110, I wanted to discuss a topic that I think is … More Continue reading

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The Space I Take Up: How Much of it Will I Get to Know?

Space. There is quite a bit of it. In the room I live in, there is 264 sq ft of it. On Earth, there is 196.9 million sq miles of it. But in space, it is seemingly infinite, or at least so it seems. With the Hubble constant still undetermined, and the shape of the… Continue Reading → Continue reading

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Europa: A Jovian Lunar Oasis?

Discovered in 1610 by the renowned astronomer, engineer, and philosopher Galileo Galilei, the Jovian orbiter Europa may again serve to revolutionize humanity’s cosmic perspective. Initially evidence that Earth was not the absolute center of motion in the Universe, Europa, among the discovery of the other Galilean moons, advanced the credibility of the heliocentric model through … Continue reading Europa: A Jovian Lunar Oasis? Continue reading

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On This Day in Astronomy History…

On this day, April 9th, 59 years ago in 1959, NASA introduced the world to their first ever astronauts, the Mercury 7.  A press conference was held in D.C. to announce the line up, and reveal America’s next move in the space race against the Soviet Union. This came a year after NASA had introduced […] Continue reading

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The Great Titan

Titan Picture Source Titan is Saturn’s Largest moon (the second largest moon in the solar system), and was discovered in 1655. Titan is almost the size of the largest moon, which is Ganymede (Jupiter’s largest moon). However, despite their similar size and relatively similar distance from the Sun, Titan has characteristics that Ganymede does not. … Continue reading The Great Titan Continue reading

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Picture Source- Forbes Pluto was discovered in 1930, and at the time was considered the ninth planet of our Solar System. With further exploration, scientists realized that Pluto is actually part of a larger set of worlds that are a part of the Kuiper Belt. Pluto was then reclassified into a  dwarf planet. Pluto is … Continue reading Pluto Continue reading

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Metal. Fire. Splash.

    Beijing, we have a problem. At least that’s what I imagined Tiangong 1 broadcasted back to China as it re-entered Earth’s atmosphere and careened into the central South Pacific Ocean. Officials had no idea where exactly the station would re-enter and end up crashing, making the South Pacific a welcome relief for many. […] Continue reading

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Pluto Reclassified as Planet

    History was made on Sunday, April 1, 2018, as the International Astronomical Union (IAU) has decided to reclassify Pluto as a planet. Pluto, discovered in 1930 as the ninth planet of the solar system, is a tiny world smaller than Earth’s moon. Pluto was stripped of its planetary status in 2006 and demoted […] Continue reading

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Cold Worlds, Burning Hatred

Scientific discoveries are not made in a vacuum, and sometimes even the most brilliant and correct ideas are considered to be false due to horrifying and malicious ideologies. Albert Einstein’s discovery of relativity revolutionized the world of physics and astronomy. It provided a unified way to understand the universe and was backed up by both … Continue reading Cold Worlds, Burning Hatred Continue reading

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Uranus Is Full of Gas

There are many things unique about Uranus. It rotates on its side, it was the first planet discovered with the use of a telescope, and it is the only planet named after a Greek deity instead of its Roman equivalent. In hindsight, the Roman name Caelus probably would have been a better choice. It may … Continue reading Uranus Is Full of Gas Continue reading

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