Category Archives: Physics

Trous Noirs And trous noirs

For an explanation of the title, see the link at the end. If you are seriously, irreconcilably frustrated by your significant other (or lack thereof) and you never want to see your significant other (or yourself) ever again, please accept a sincere piece of advice from me: Do not- I repeat: DO NOT throw them(or yourself) in […] Continue reading

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Relativistic Doodles

This post explains how my illustration of general relativistic time dilation works. This is the parent post. Here is an image of a simple classical timeline: There are 2 observers: green and red. They have their own watches. The red observer shoots an arrow towards the green observer. The position of the arrow vs. the […] Continue reading

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Nuclear Fusion Here on Earth

  Scientists are researching nuclear fusion like never before. This research is motivated by the promise of large amounts of clean power. In fact, the fuel used in fusion reactors is deuterium, an isotope of hydrogen that can be obtained from seawater. NBC emphasizes this clean power, reporting that “half a bathtub of seawater could […] Continue reading

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God Particle

There has been new findings regarding the origin of the universe and what caused the big bang. This research, $10 billion dollars later, confirms that the way physicists and other scientists viewed particle physics was actually correct. Had this not been proven, scientists would have completely had to reconsider their theories on the origination of […] Continue reading

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Mass Conversion of Energy

Albert Einstein’s most commonly known contribution to science, E=mc2, relates energy to mass. The energy conservation law preached to high school physics students states that energy can neither be created […] Continue reading

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The World Will End in Ice

I’m fascinated by the end of the universe.  It’s a pretty interesting mental exercise, theorizing about how everything might end (and us with it), especially since I definitely won’t be around to see any of those theories come to fruition.  Of course, I have a favorite theory, that being the “Heat death of the universe”. […] Continue reading

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Black Hole Collisions

Even with little formal expertise about black holes, most people know that black holes are extremely powerful regions in space in which gravity “sucks in” everything around the black hole with no chance of escape.  Now imagine if two of these massive regions were to collide.  It is easy to infer that said collision would […] Continue reading

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Physics of Gravity

What is physics? I have been studying physics since elementary school, but I was never really taught about the definition of physics. My personal understanding of physics is that it is a study of the law of the nature. The nature of physics is truly mysterious. Why do things obey the same law? Why can […] Continue reading

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Dark Matter vs Dark Energy

In my previous post, I wrote about dark matter and how we can infer its existence through gravitational lensing.  Here, I will more fully explore what dark matter is and what dark energy is. Dark matter, as the name implies, is matter that is dark and cannot be seen.  “Seen” here does not mean visible […] Continue reading

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The Mystery of Saturn’s Moonlets

Research done by Loughborough University physicists has recently led to new a understanding  of the formation of moonlets (small natural satellites) in Saturn’s F Ring. Previously, it was believed that strong tidal forces from Saturn and its other rings and moons would keep the moonlets from clumping. They’ve now discovered the moon Prometheus has a […] Continue reading

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