Category Archives: Science

Voyager 2

August 20, 1977. The flyby-type probe Voyager 2 was launched from Earth, destined to explore our Solar System and beyond. Passing by Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune, Voyager 2 carried with it instruments to relay close-up images of these Jovian planets, and a message from Earth to be read and listened to by those who … Continue reading Voyager 2 Continue reading

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Climate Change from the Perspective of Astronomy: Venus and the Earth

Today we hear about climate change pretty often. Whether it’s politicians debating on policy or the “please recycle” signs on the backs of plastic products, the reality of pollution and the other bad ways humans have influenced the environment is hard to ignore. CO2 emissions  and the greenhouse effect are common themes in this topic, […] Continue reading

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Nuclear Fusion

Nuclear Fusion refers to the nuclear reaction in which atomic nuclei of low atomic number elements fuse to form a heavier nucleus.  This reactions releases energy and is how the sun and other stars generate light and heat.  Energy is produced during the smashing of the lighter atoms, which is most easily achieved on Earth … Continue reading Nuclear Fusion Continue reading

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Nuclear Fusion

Nuclear Fusion refers to the nuclear reaction in which atomic nuclei of low atomic number elements fuse to form a heavier nucleus.  This reactions releases energy and is how the sun and other stars generate light and heat.  Energy is produced during the smashing of the lighter atoms, which is most easily achieved on Earth … Continue reading Nuclear Fusion Continue reading

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Can Elon Musk’s Dream Become a Reality?

Just last month, Elon Musk’s SpaceX used the worlds most powerful rocket, Falcon Heavy, to launch his personal red Tesla roadster into space, racing towards Mars. With a spacesuit-wearing dummy named ‘Starman’ at the wheel, the car is predicted to enter Mars’ orbit sometime in July, before exiting soon after. While Musk claims the purpose […] Continue reading

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What are cosmic rays?

WHAT ARE COSMIC RAYS? One of the more mysterious subjects from our last reading was that of cosmic rays.  To be quite honest, before encountering this in our textbook I had never considered cosmic rays outside of the context of the Marvel Universe.  But it turns out that cosmic rays are more than just a…

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What is a pulsar?

              WHAT IS A PULSAR? Pulsars are some of the most interesting astronomical objects out there and are the subject of intense study by teams of scientists around the world. Pulsars are rapidly rotating neutron stars that emit beams of intense energy from their magnetic poles.  Here, it is…

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Gravitational Waves and Extra Dimensions

The existence of dimensions beyond the three spatial and one temporal we experientially inhabit in our current model of spacetime has been a longstanding discussion touched on by various physicists and the scientific community. It has been suggested that gravity would propagate throughout these other dimensions, a thought brought about in attempts to somewhat unify … Continue reading Gravitational Waves and Extra Dimensions Continue reading

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Tides and the Parting of the Sea

The biblical tale of Moses parting the Red Sea to free the Israelites from the Egyptians is a story still shared throughout the world today. However, a lesser known rendition of the tale involving tigers and an old woman exists just off the coast of the Korean peninsula. Two South Korean islands, Modo and Jindo, … Continue reading Tides and the Parting of the Sea Continue reading

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Tides and the Parting of the Sea

The biblical tale of Moses parting the Red Sea to free the Israelites from the Egyptians is a story still shared throughout the world today. However, a lesser known rendition of the tale involving tigers and an old woman exists just off the coast of the Korean peninsula. Two South Korean islands, Modo and Jindo, … Continue reading Tides and the Parting of the Sea Continue reading

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