Category Archives: Science

Absolute Hot

We all have heard about absolute zero – the coldest temperature possible. At this point, atoms cease to move completely. All heat is really is just the movement of atoms and the energy with which they’re moving. Hotter things tend to have more energy, and their atoms move more. Thermodynamically, it is impossible to reach … Continue reading Absolute Hot Continue reading

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Solar Wind

The corona, the outer layer of the sun’s atmosphere, can reach temperatures of up to 2 million degrees Fahrenheit.  This atmospheric temperature emits incredible amounts of thermal energy, which causes the particles in the corona to rapidly move around.  At a certain point, the sun’s gravity cannot contain these particles and they breach the sun’s … Continue reading Solar Wind Continue reading

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Solar Wind

The corona, the outer layer of the sun’s atmosphere, can reach temperatures of up to 2 million degrees Fahrenheit.  This atmospheric temperature emits incredible amounts of thermal energy, which causes the particles in the corona to rapidly move around.  At a certain point, the sun’s gravity cannot contain these particles and they breach the sun’s … Continue reading Solar Wind Continue reading

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Gravity is a fascinating phenomenon of physics that is integral to understanding the universe.  Gravity keeps Earth in orbit around the sun, and the Moon in orbit around Earth.  Any object that has mass, also has gravity. Moreover, the gravitational force between two objects is caused by two factors: mass and distance.  The gravitational force … Continue reading Gravity Continue reading

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Gravity is a fascinating phenomenon of physics that is integral to understanding the universe.  Gravity keeps Earth in orbit around the sun, and the Moon in orbit around Earth.  Any object that has mass, also has gravity. Moreover, the gravitational force between two objects is caused by two factors: mass and distance.  The gravitational force … Continue reading Gravity Continue reading

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Celestial Navigation

Celestial navigation, or astronavigation, allows a navigator to use sights and angular measurements between celestial bodies to determine their location. While the sun is the most commonly used body, the moon, planets, polaris, and some other 57 navigational stars can also be used. Those navigational stars have coordinates that are pre-calculated and located in the … Continue reading Celestial Navigation Continue reading

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Solar Eclipse: When and Why

In honor of the solar eclipse that happened in late august, I thought I’d talk about the phenomenon. A solar eclipse happens when the moon gets between the earth and the sun, and the moon casts a shadow. It should be known that the fact that solar eclipses can happen at all is a total … Continue reading Solar Eclipse: When and Why Continue reading

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Seasons, Solstices and Equinoxes

    What causes the seasons?  Not only is this asked on page 32 of Chapter 2, but it is often asked by many individuals residing on Earth.  However, a surprisingly few number of people actually know.  Seasons occur because the title of Earth’s axis causes sunlight to fall differently on Earth at different times … Continue reading Seasons, Solstices and Equinoxes Continue reading

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Seasons, Solstices and Equinoxes

    What causes the seasons?  Not only is this asked on page 32 of Chapter 2, but it is often asked by many individuals residing on Earth.  However, a surprisingly few number of people actually know.  Seasons occur because the title of Earth’s axis causes sunlight to fall differently on Earth at different times … Continue reading Seasons, Solstices and Equinoxes Continue reading

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Casscenery (The Cassini Photos of Saturn)

As the 20 year long Cassini mission comes to an end, no one wants to miss the exciting events of the last 4.5 months. Cassini is slated to crash into the surface of Saturn on September 15th this year, but not before Cassini swoops progressively lower to the gas giant, giving scientists unprecedentedly close images … Continue reading Casscenery (The Cassini Photos of Saturn) Continue reading

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