Category Archives: Sun

Shine on, Crazy Diamond

All the light we see and information we receive in our day to day lives is all thanks to the sun- but do we ever really stop to think what allows the sun to produce to light we so rely on? The sun actually relies heavily on quantum physics to even exist- which sounds very […] Continue reading

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The Sun and the solar atmosphere.

The solar system is special in that it only has one star, the Sun, while most other systems have at least 2 stars. Because the Sun is very important not only for maintaining the solar system, but also for providing energy to keep the lives on Earth, it is important to know what comprises of … Continue reading The Sun and the solar atmosphere. Continue reading

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The Sun and the solar atmosphere.

The solar system is special in that it only has one star, the Sun, while most other systems have at least 2 stars. Because the Sun is very important not only for maintaining the solar system, but also for providing energy to keep the lives on Earth, it is important to know what comprises of … Continue reading The Sun and the solar atmosphere. Continue reading

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The Bighorn Medicine Wheel

Bighorn Medicine Wheel (View from above)   It is very interesting to think about ancient cultures that studied astronomy hundreds or even thousands of years ago. Among these cultures were the Native American tribes. Native Americans built structures, now known as medicine wheels, in places across what is now the US. One of the most … Continue reading The Bighorn Medicine Wheel Continue reading

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Solar Wind

The corona, the outer layer of the sun’s atmosphere, can reach temperatures of up to 2 million degrees Fahrenheit.  This atmospheric temperature emits incredible amounts of thermal energy, which causes the particles in the corona to rapidly move around.  At a certain point, the sun’s gravity cannot contain these particles and they breach the sun’s … Continue reading Solar Wind Continue reading

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Solar Wind

The corona, the outer layer of the sun’s atmosphere, can reach temperatures of up to 2 million degrees Fahrenheit.  This atmospheric temperature emits incredible amounts of thermal energy, which causes the particles in the corona to rapidly move around.  At a certain point, the sun’s gravity cannot contain these particles and they breach the sun’s … Continue reading Solar Wind Continue reading

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Awaiting the next Solar Eclipse

In August, I had the great pleasure of beginning the upcoming school year in a very profound, eye opening manner: by gazing at the Solar Eclipse that radiated over the Nashville sky. This natural occurring phenomena was not only beautiful to witness, but also, it spurred my curiosity for eclipses, moon phases, and the Solar … Continue reading Awaiting the next Solar Eclipse Continue reading

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Awaiting the next Solar Eclipse

In August, I had the great pleasure of beginning the upcoming school year in a very profound, eye opening manner: by gazing at the Solar Eclipse that radiated over the Nashville sky. This natural occurring phenomena was not only beautiful to witness, but also, it spurred my curiosity for eclipses, moon phases, and the Solar … Continue reading Awaiting the next Solar Eclipse Continue reading

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Blog 4 – The Sunspot Cycle and Earth’s Climate

For this blog I thought I’d write about how sunspots affect the Earth’s climate, as I am studying environmental sciences and I recently took Professor Gilligan’s Global Climate Change course (highly recommended and it counts for AXLE).  Sunspots are the most interesting feature on the sun’s surface.  They are the dark patches that periodically appear […] Continue reading

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The Sun Is Going To Kill Us

As nuclear fusion depletes a star’s hydrogen supply throughout the phases of stellar evolution, a spherical shell of hydrogen will … More Continue reading

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